July 26, 2010

Prestigious :) 'The Hunky of the Month' Title - Will You Help Win it for RA?

 #1 hunkiest Update:  Vote is currently RA trailing by 10 points- Richard Armitage 737; Alex O'Loughlin 737...
Just discovered the latter is an Australian which explains why he's giving the obviously hunkiest a run for his money:)  Here's Alex...
Spirit of fairness, had a choice of the following pics & brought both--almost like 2 different people..
Quantum leap in hunkiness..

Richard needs your vote at http://www.thehunkies.com/richard-armitage/  (Click on the small red heart) He currently trails Alex O'Loughlin by about 5   10 votes. Does anyone have any doubt that Richard is the hunkiest actor of at least the century?  More evidence...

...and to erase all doubt and inspire a few more votes...


Enrich2 said...

Thanks for the heads-up, but it's a pity that you can only vote once. I think the fact that Richard has been in the lead speaks volumes for his increasing popularity!

Ricrar said...

Richard's trailing by 10 votes, enrich. Many fans must be elsewhere on holiday...only possible explanation why their guy would struggle to maintain the lead in a 'hunkiest' contest:)

Musa said...

Too bad we can only vote once :(

Love the pic of Richard and the ladder -new to me that one too!

Ricrar said...

Musa, you've become a consummate RA fan:) I'd rather vote for the Pres of the USA as many times as possible, but there's that wee fairness restriction--one vote per citizen. D&MN!;)