March 3, 2010

Richard Armitage Blog Newsflash: New Interview

Latest RA news - New Interview, found here… which leads to
where you’ll find a recent RA interview about his narration of the audio book ‘Venetia’ plus other fascinating revelations. Follow directions to download the interview - an excerpt from 'Venetia' follows Richard's remarks.

True confession time:...for the first time since becoming aware of RA(15mos ago), I've actually terminated prematurely an excerpt of his voice as he narrated 'Venetia.'  Found the passage  so borrrrring that not even the golden chords could render it of interest.  Find myself looking forward to Robert Lovelace...haha...that viper is unpalatable in many ways, but thankfully boring isn't one of them.  Keenly aware it takes different strokes for different folks and also that keeping RA employed is always a good thing;)

Richard mentions his long-time dream of wishing to play Richard III is picking up steam..HOORAY!  More evidence that his career has become pat on the back - of course he had something to do with that fact as well;) - li'l joke...

Not long ago in another interview he seemed to have given up hope of his dream ever coming true.  Since RA has provided us with many dream-like on-screen moments, isn't it wonderful to realize one of his might be fulfilled in the not too distant future. 

Click on following link to find a Richard III painting and photo in which Gisborne has a similar aura about him...

Notes taken while listening to RA's latest interview: 1) He often listens to the radio while travelling and creates a voice memory archive from call-in shows, etc.;  2)  His personal reading taste has been sidelined for the time being necessitated by job-related reference material;  3) His recent Strike Back (by Chris Ryan) project could develop into at least one more series. YIPPEE!:)  Which one? Ryan has had many bestsellers.  True, the genre is mostly a male thing BUT it does give us an opportunity to share with them and enjoy the mutual experience;  4) RA said he has a 'personal connection' to the author & scriptwriter for Richard III.  Are his comments evidence the pre-production process is already well underway?  Who might the author/scriptwriter be?  Possibly Sandy Welch of North & South fame or perhaps a RH writer?? 

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