richardswench47 wrote: Jul. 13th, 2010 - Twitter
GRRM, I'm living in hope that it was you last evening at the westerosorg twitter site, who mentioned the role of Stannis Baratheon and added that actor Richard Armitage would be perfect for that role:)
HBO's subscribership and ASOIaF book sales would skyrocket if that scenario develops in the not too distant future. Perhaps it's far too early to even mention characters in a second series. Armitage is really a brilliant actor. Completed his professional training at LAMDA.
hippoiathanatoi wrote: Jul. 13th, 2010 - Re: Twitter
Afraid (and the Twitter account, westerosorg) is me, not George. We're not an official site. Don't think George is on Twitter at all, actually.
I do think he's (RA) got a pretty good look for Stannis as described in the books, though. I vaguely recall some suggesting him for Bronn early on, but Stannis is a meatier role.
aulus_poliutos wrote: Jul. 13th, 2010 - Re: Twitter
If that happens, I'll need some kleenex to deal with the drool. :)
richardswench47 wrote: Jul. 13th, 2010 - Re: Twitter
Thx for the reply hippoiathanatoi. Yes, I've seen Armitage recommended for both those roles. He's played snarling & heroic characters with equally fiery finesse.
His large fan base throw themselves into every project - books, dvds, action figures, music soundtracks all fly off the shelves whenever he becomes associated with a project. Many deliveries to the US from Her Majesty's Royal Mail--if my hubby retrieves our mail he informs me "you have more mail from the Queen". hahaha
July 14: Westerosorg tweets reply to an RA supporter who asked for clarification of their former RA tweets...
>westerosorg@Carolynd1 Sorry, he's not. I meant that that role would be a very good one for him, better than what's left available for the first season.
about 5 hours ago via HootSuite in reply to Carolynd1
Difficult to believe a Game of Thrones twittersite (Westerosorg) would apparently indicate Richard has a role in the production without something definite. It is afterall Twitter...not exactly someone's individual blog:) This is their reply this morning to my query whether the Stannis Baratheon role was definite or speculation...
>westerosorg @armitageblogger Whoops! I didn't mean to imply he was in it. I meant that the role would be perfect for him.
about 5 hours ago via HootSuite in reply to armitageblogger<
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This is my initial reaction BooHoo:( Ah well, maybe the fuss brought the idea front & center and caught the attention of the powers that be within the Song of Ice & Fire circles - that's called looking on the bright side...
One of the most prominent characters in GoT's is 'The Imp' - Tyrion Lannister brother to the twincest couple...a quote about him from the website:
>Standing out in particular among the POV characters are Tyrion’s chapters. An obvious favourite character of the writer, the witty, brilliant dwarf is caught up in the race to prepare a city for assault while having to juggle the incessant, power-hungry demands of his sister and the cry for justice and food from the starving, frightened population. Martin is very quick with Tyrion’s caustic, raunchy speech, and equally adept at portraying the decent, duty-bound man who is seen as a monster by those he tries to help. The final chapters for the character are exciting, leaving some readers breathless with excitement - and perhaps shock.<
[Ricrar comment: Can't help but wonder if Geo RR Martin looks on Tyrion as himself, considering this character does appear to be the eyes & ears of Westeros - the one who's constantly focused on everyone else in the 7 kingdoms. Actor Peter Dinklage was chosen for the role plus the artist Amok's perception]

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