Stannis Baratheon: Middle son of Lord Steffon Baratheon and master of ships on his older brother King Robert Baratheon's small council.
During Robert's Rebellion, Stannis held his brother Robert's seat, Storm's End, for over a year against a siege commanded by Lords Mace Tyrell and Paxter Redwyne. After the war, Robert ordered him to take the Targaryen stronghold of Dragonstone and root out his enemies. He expected to be granted Storm's End when his service was done, and was not pleased to be made Lord of Dragonstone instead. He was also given a place on Robert's small council. Stannis joined Jon Arryn in an investigation that determined that Robert had not actually fathered Cersei's children. When Lord Jon was murdered, Stannis fled to Dragonstone and began gathering his strength.
Physical Description: He is broad-shouldered and sinewy with leathery skin and a pinched, narrow face. He has only a fringe of black hair remaining around his head (hopefully the partial baldness is negotiable) and a close-cropped beard covering a square jaw. He has dark blue eyes.

The Monet goatee & hair managed to downplay RA's usual stunning appearance, however if he were to be cast as Stannis Baratheon OR Bronn in 'Game of Thrones', we can be certain he'd be the hottest thing on two legs in the entire epic saga.
Dear RiCrAr - I think there's hope for Stannis with hair, here's a link to different artist's idea of the character:
I don't think I've seen a photo of Richard with a beard? Stubble of course, but not a beard?
Oh wait, I forgot Richard as Monet
Thx, Musa..couldn't access the artwork at the German site without registering so, instead added a little myself...It's above - as well as a pic of RA w/the Monet goatee.
Of course, if our dreams did come true and Richard became Stannis or Bronn...we know he'd be the hottest thing on 2 legs in the entire saga, don't we;)
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