July 8, 2010

Guy of Gisborne Visits Winterfell - Eddard Stark's Castle(played by Sean Bean)

A 'Song of Ice and Fire' Calendar has been published...the artwork depicts renditions of the castles of Westeros.  Guy of Gisborne decided to visit Winterfell....


Musa said...

Sean Bean and Richard Armitage at Winterfell...I think I just fainted.

Ricrar said...

Musa, have you read the discussions at GoT sites about Sean Bean's age as compared to most readers impressions of Eddard Stark? Apparently they were pleased Sean won the part, but found it necessary to adjust their initial perceptions of both Starks age range.

Wouldn't Sir Guy assimilate beautifully at Winterfell? One of his most popular vids has 'Hungry Like the Wolf' theme song--Perfecto!;)

Musa said...

Yes, I love reading all the comments in the GoT blogs and fan sites. Very dedicated fans!
True, in the books Ned Stark is in his late 30's rather than 50, Sean Bean's age when he filmed the pilot. But Sean was the fan favorite for the role, and GRRM's favorite as well I think. I think it works now because the children cast are older than in the books, and makes sense because of some of the scenes. But yes, I think RA would have also been a great choice for Ned Stark.Well, the suspense is killing me...more casting news to come next week! Meantime we have Lucas North to keep us warm.

Ricrar said...

RA as Jaime Lannister would've been very unsettling. Is there a GoT dictionary on one of the websites? One of the most titilating words coined so far is 'twincest' -
encapsulates the situation, doesn't it.

Musa said...

GoT Dictionary? Not that I know, but if any site has one RiCrAr it would be Tower of the Hand.

Game of Thrones said...

Richard Armitage would have made an excellent Eddard I think. But Sean Bean is awesome so I'm not complaining!

Game of Thrones | Neverwinter Nights 2 Persistent World

Ricrar said...

Hey there GoT;) how did you manager to find such an outdated post at this blog?..July 2010?

I'll post your link at the lastest post. Btw, we're hoping somehow Richard Armitage can play Stannis Baratheon...he would be spectacular in that role.