As the Spooks creator recently commented "life is often stranger than fiction." The New York Post ran a story today that reads like a fascinating international thriller. It involves the red-headed Russian spy recently arrested in the US. Proving that the woman had the audacity to approach any male who struck her fancy--not even Cookie Monster was beyond her designing clutches...

You'll never guess who else was on her radar screen. The article reads like a Bourne or Bond bestseller...
I must admit when I heard the news about Russian "sleepers" being found in the US I realised just how spot on the scriptwriters of Spooks (MI5) are with their storylines. Just heard on the news over here in England that it looks like they are going to do a spy swap (Lucas North style?). They are supposed to be exchanging a scientist accused of spying in Russia for one of those arrested for spying in the US. Is truth stranger than fiction or what!
Sue, a prominent political page in the US also reported the suspected spy swap along w/a photo of Obama & Mevedev walking together at the White House.
Another 'truth is often stranger than fiction' phenomenon, IMO, can be found in the Spooks8 storyline where Sarah was painted as a liberal elitist. She was part of a cabal who consider themselves to be the 'brilliant' people, and are therefore convinced they should be dictating the globe's priorities to the unenlightened masses. The UK writer appeared to recognize that the new US administration was more in sync with undemocratic worldwide influences than w/the American political mainstream.
IMO the Spooks writer(s) was insinuating the current 'regime' in the USA has
less than,,,err,,,democratic goals. Their instincts are to control citizens rather than simply govern them in the traditional way.
As a result, many pundits are predicting voters will hobble the current Pres in Nov by giving the majority in congress to his political opponents. Sincerely hope they are correct for the sake of the entire world.
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