[Theory Update: Turns out my theory wasn't too far from the truth]
My long-time wish that Lucas North & Jo Portman would somehow get together during Spooks7 was somewhat fulfilled by their appearance together on the red carpet. Good to learn Miranda Raison is still happily married to another former Spook, that is at least as recently as Mar 2009 in the photo below.(Update: see comments) How about RA's classy arrival (is it his dearly beloved BMW?) and his snazzy leather dress boots w/buckle a la GoG?
Even during two photobucket pic elimination projects since Spooks7, could not bring myself to delete the following of Jo & Lucas. After that a theory will be laid before the RA court....
She's the only other actor appearing w/RA that appears to have even larger blue eyes...at the time I'd commented the two together definitely provided reams of 'EYE candy' for the show..
Postulated theory re their photo on the red carpet - has anyone ever noticed how Richard snugly holds his female co-stars around the waist when they appear together for promotional purposes? Examples follow. He usually has a friendly firm grip with fingers splayed. However, this time his hold is more discreet...

This is the point of the theory -- during an episode of 'Friends', Joey(the actor) explained in detail that there's a show business truism which states that if acting co-workers show personal chemistry while on camera it's almost certain nothing is happening in RL, BUT the opposite is often true as well - then the female & male appear to have a cooler demeanor before the camera. Simply a theory...why the more tenuous hold around Miranda's waist than his other female co-workers? (end of this chapter of the Lucas&Jo amateur sleuthing case:)
Unfortunately, Miranda and Raza separated over the past year. She and Richard look good together, though!
I always wanted Lucas and Jo to get together too! He is so hot and she was gorgeous.
They both had a fair bit in common with their troubled, angsty backgrounds. I always thought that he might be really sweet and protective with her. And imagine the love scenes! Sigh.
Richard and Miranda do look lovely together. She's so feminine and, while slim, is not too thin. She is a female character that I related well to in Spooks as she experienced awful things which affected her, but she fought her way through her problems.
She has seperated from her husband.
Otherwise it would have given rise to the following conversation which would be interesting.
"Who's your escort for the BAFTA's tonight?"
"Richard Armitage."
"Oh fine then. So no competition there."
Whistles nonchanlantly.
"No darling, none whatsover. Richard isn't the type women go for at all." Bats eyelashes innocently.
Thx for that, esoterica2000. Let the speculation begin:) It'd be awesome if this red carpet pic signals the start of something. What struck me after watching Miranda's behind the scenes dvd remarks for one of the Spooks series, was her warm personality. They're definitely a match in that way.
anonymous, I'm about to post pics from one of Lucas & Jo's scenes together. She's lovely either way, but the short blonder hairstyle helped her meet the RA drop-dead-gorgeous standard.
Hi MillyMe, I'm going to present a theory w/some photo evidence about Richard & Jo's appearance together on the red carpet. First of all, does anyone know if they posed spontaneously or did fans encourage them to do so? Isn't it almost a double coincidence that they then sat beside each other in the audience?
The photos provide tingle-inducing thoughts for those of us who are hopeless romantics:) Nothing sinister or sleazy about the speculation - merely interested females enjoying the prospect of RA possibly finding that special someone to make his life complete...since he has already admitted that's his goal.
p.s. Does Miranda have children? If so, naturally we hope the offsprings parents will reunite if that would make everyone concerned happy.
Richard has stated that he's not looking for a fellow actor as a possible wife so I doubt it there's anything on the cards where they're concerned. Don't you think it's natural that they were placed together as ex-colleagues who know each other relatively well? Peter Firth and Nicola Walker were pictured together and Tariq was also present at the Baftas so the Spooks lot were out in force. "Colleagues are ok", remember!
MillyMe, what about the sitting arrangement? Miranda's no longer a Spooks cast member - why was she then seated beside RA?
He might've said "actresses need not apply" but an accidental meeting could've ignited a spark - Cupid doesn't discriminate according to stated preferences or professions;)
Because she was also presenting and the event organizers seated all the Spooks cast members near each other. Firth and Walker were seated together right in front of Armitage and Raison.
The event organizers probably wanted them in one pack in case Spooks won the Best Drama award.
I do wish that Richard and Miranda would get together. They would make a lovely couple - they look great together and Miranda seems really sweet - see this interview on GMTV
She and Raza don't have kids, I suppose she wanted to concentrate on her career initially. And yes RA does seem to like to hold his co stars firmly about the waist except for Miranda, so perhaps theres an attraction there
Did any of you consider that it may be the opposite reaction and they might not like each other that much, but were playing nice for the camera?
Did any of you consider that he was wearing a tux and she was wearing an evening gown and they had to go onstage after the pic was taken and present awards in front of a viewing audience of millions, so they were trying to to "wrinkle" each other's outfits?
Idle speculation is nothing but.
Sorry, "..trying *not* to wrinkle each other's outfits".
I don't think that they don't like each other. Someone who was in the audience at the BAFTAs from another forum reported that Miranda kept turning to RA and chatting to him every couple of minutes while he fiddled with his bow tie.
I was hoping U would post shot of RA in soccer gear in honor of UK in World Cup! Cant recollect the series name.
I was being facetious. The truth is people here are are hanging an entire relationship on an extremely minor detail that they have no idea of the motivation behind.
It could have been something as simple as: They were stepping in closer, but the photographer took the picture before they closed the gap. (Though personally, I think it probably has to do with not wanting to wrinkle each other clothes.)
But the fact is we don't know and trying to speculate based on this is really silly.
@judithj1: You're referring to the picture of Richard in rugby kit in Ultimate Force, but as he looked dashingly handsome in it, why not?
Jo is stunning and she looks lovely on Richard's arm, but I think that they have a friendly professional relationship rather like the one he had with Daniela, his co-star in North and South.
Not only is the UK in the soccer World Cup BUT they finished playing the USA within the past 10min - it ended in a draw, which has Americans thrilled. We were excited about the game, but didn't really expect a positive outcome because the UK is ranked #8 and US #14 in world standings. Celebratory RA pics in soccer shorts will be posted asap.
As for Richard & Miranda, naturally we don't know the true situation, but with both their best interests at heart it is fun to speculate. No harm is done to anyone, and as fans we enjoy hearing everyone's opinions and points of view.
There are those who take 'body language' signals very seriously. When Richard snugly encircled Lucy Griffith's waist, it was also a formal Bafta event. The firm grip was evident nonetheless, rather than his possibly self-conscious - therefore deliberately discreet hold around Miranda's waist.
Why would they not arrive together though, if there actually is something to our observation? Would the fact she's only 'separated' from her husband as of now, have anything to do with it? One more thought - if there was actually nothing to the pre-Bafta photo, isn't it possible their being reunited for the ceremony could have triggered something wonderful between them? If their candid interviews can be used for gauging their personalities, IMO their warmth, light-hearted, down-to-earth similarities make them at first glance appear to be a great match. Miranda seems circumspect, low-key as an actress - not the flamboyant type...possibly reminiscent of another female in his life?? *Matchmaker, matchmaker, make me a match, find me a....*
Another issue for consideration - if he has finally found that special someone, wouldn't they begin to appear together in public now that the Bafta photos are spread across the internet? Can't wait for RA's next public appearance for an evening event, to see if he's again accompanied by his Cirque de Soleil date or someone else:)
If you google Miranda you will find that she already has a new partner. Apparently you never bother because you prefer your own version. I agree that they look nice together but this is really not worth talking about.
I prefer RICrar's version too! And since when have idle romantic fantasies about RA been a crime?? If that were the case how many women would be guilty of that???
Surely people should be allowed to talk about whatever they want on their own blogs without being dictated to by others? That's kind of the point of having a blog.
When "idle romantic fantasies" crosses over into "presenting a theory"/rumor mongering it's a problem.
The difference between "They look cute together! Wouldn't it be nice if..." vs "This minute detail means they're in WUV!"
But I've found plenty of people in the RA fanbase that seem to prefer projecting their own personal issues and "versions of reality" onto him (seemingly unable to recognize that this is a real person they have never met), so why should here be any different? LOL!
This is not the first time Ricrar has tried to make up a rumour about RA and a co-star who actually is in a relationship with someone else based on nothing but a posed pic at a public event.
The problem with talk in a blog is that it is public and can be read by anyone. I agree with the opinion above, it is perfectly fine to say RA and MR look good together and would make a handsome couple if they were a couple but something completely different to suggest that they actually are an item. The next person reads it and believes it.
Uh oh, apparently the self-appointed, small-minded RA police cannot resist inflicting their boring amateur psychological analysis where it's least appreciated.
Seeing as the interminable partypoopers are incapable of conversation, unless they're promoting their own self-delusional brilliance (while at the same time ridiculing everyone else's opinions) the nastiest (therefore most predictably boring) posts by those shrews will be removed.
Their time would be better spent psycho-analyzing their own mean-spirited compulsion to interject their repetitiously boring opinions where they're not welcome.
If you have a blog and invite people to comment you take the risk to get comments that you may not like or consider boring.
If you have any common sense or the instinct to extend common courtesy, you don't act out your emotional hangups at someone else's blog. Start your own - then you can disparage, & ridicule in your self-important & self-pretentious way to your heart's content.
I've observed your nattering negativism elsewhere - you're not really happy unless you're involved in a nasty verbal joust with someone. No one here is interested in that childish pursuit. Bye!
(Especially if you are trying to put forth false information. Then you can pretty much expect someone is going to call you on it.)
No one has put forth false information - that's your negative & incorrect spin on the comments. You don't participate in order to discuss, instead you want the conversation to deteriorate to your level of pitiful argumentative nonsense. Don't bother responding - we're not interested in anything you have to say. Go stir your witch's brew or haunt someone else's blog.
What a pitifully empty life you must lead. Do Richard a huge favor and bow out of his supporter base - your presence leaves a bitter aftertaste that turns many potential fans away.
Just came on this site and am leaving again.
Nice shot of Richard and Miranda.
Other than that this frothing-at-the-mouth speculation based on 10 mm of space btween two people, and the subsequent nasty exchange has convinced me to go elsewhere. Sad really, as Richard has made it clear that he's pretty tired with such endless speculation as well. Goodbye.
RA is not tired of the public being interested in him & his career - he understands human nature well enough to understand that's a huge part of his stock in trade. What he has tired of is the petty haggling, small-minded shots between fans. You were free to simply leave without comment...
When did he told you that? I'm really surprised that you think you can read his mind and find there whatever goes with your own fantasies.
You're truly the most interesting psychological profile to be found anywhere, anon. Obviously there's a reason why you compulsively and rudely intrude yourself where you're not welcome. Fascinating acting out on your part, is it not? Would you like to tell us your story - explain when your emotional problems began? Go ahead...we'll listen.
To whom are you talking? Do you believe it is only one person disagreeing with you?
Do you really believe you're fooling anyone? You might want to get some professional counselling on your delusions of grandeur.
Your pitiful games have quickly grown tiresome. Do everyone a favor and take your small-minded bitchiness elsewhere.
I will simply quote the lovely Richard and say "Live and Let Live". Nuff said!
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