Strike Back
From Sir Ian's blog - EXCERPT: >In fact, I was in an old paint factory, which I knew ten years back as the main film studio for The Lord of the Rings. Inside was the new set for Bag End, including a bedroom and pantry.
And I was there too, in Hobbiton, with a semi-circle of dwarves and Bilbo, their reluctant host. I was at the cast’s first joint rehearsal where Peter Jackson, with Fran Walsh and Philippa Boyens, invited our comments on their script so far. This is as close to bliss as an actor can get. Facing three Oscar-winning screenplay writers who genuinely want us actors to contribute. AND there were piles of snacks on the coffee tables: fresh fruit, NZ cheese, Minties.
Two of the cast have forsworn deserts during Lent. Not me, not yet.<
Laura, notice as RA walks away at very end of his presentation at 2010's BAFTAs. Could that foot be placed any straighter? Admittedly not the best example..hunt will continue for a better one;)

I see he's still pigeon-toed....
Happy St Patty's day, Laura:)
Why do you say he's still pigeon-toed...does the pic of Lucas running have that appearance to you? Whenever you see Richard walk, his strides seem to be very straight forward. Maybe we need a more scientific examination...any excuse to view more RA fan videos;)
If I stumble upon a good example of his gait, will post it here.
Did you read Sir Ian's description of their first rehearsal as a group, and his joy over the screenwriters request for input from cast members? It's a given Richard will have much to contribute in that regard. Perhaps someday he'll write a book about his journey with Thorin. Probably would hit the bestseller's list in record time, wouldn't it. Here's hoping he's keeping a journal to help expedite the book process. *grins* as if he's not busy enough at the moment.
Yeah... I saw the pic of him running, and it looks like my son when he runs. And me too, a bit. We pigeon in. When we're walking, particularly if we're walking fast, you can't tell. But often when we run, we 'toe in'. It may have something to do with innate balance, I don't know.
Haven't had a chance to peruse the links yet. I'll probably have time this afternoon or evening.
No it doesn't look like he's still pigeon toed (in my humble opinion). In fact I think he walks/runs very well and unlike many people I notice actually picks his feet off the floor and doesn't shuffle around. (One of my pet hates are people that don't walk properly and make a racket with shoes slivering on the ground with every step, I feel like shouting "pick yer bloody feet up yer lazy git". Obviously those tap-dancing lessons did the trick. He does tend to hunch his back a little when walking which makes him appear rather tired and despondent.
He never seems to get out of breathe during his running scenes either, which makes me think he's quite fit (in more ways than one!)
Can either of you remember a scene, in any of Richard's projects, where his character walked stright towards the camera - full length shot?
There are quite a few of him running directly into the camera. Almost everytime we see him take a lengthy stroll, he seems to do it with a determined, best foot forward strut. There are only 2 scenes in his vast repetoire of work when my mind wondered about the apparent gait. First is in RH3 as he walks up steps into the castle - he seemed to be tottering, almost inebriated climb. Second is from Spooks8. Ros tells him Harry wants to talk to both of them and Lucas follows her from the room. His lope wasn't the usual firm, determined steps displayed in all his other countless luscious scenes. In both those instances he had to follow someone else's lead so that might've made a difference. In RH the camera was backing away from him as he climbed steps; while Ros was directly ahead of him in 2nd scene - thereby probably slowing down his preferred speed.
p.s. meant to ask both of you who you voted for in poll as having most stamina on the dancefloor? Mine went to Guy...his graceful struts looked very energized down Nottg'm castle halls..*thud,thud*
I'm glad Sir Ian is keeping us informed. I wish he would take a photo of the entire group one day soon, maybe when they start filming next week. (More photos of RA would help!).
I'm willing to concede on the 'pigeon-toed' thing... It could very well be my perception, or he might be changing directions in that picture, which would also make it look like he's toeing in. More than likely, it's me casting about to find something else I have in common with him!!
In the "most stamina as a dance partner" poll, I chose Thornton, because I don't know that any of the other characters would have had the patience to hang out for very long on the dance floor. North might, but only if he was using the time to gain valuable information. Porter and Gisborne are both 'men of action', and likely don't have much patience for the dance. They're also warriors, and be more than a bit twitchy in a crowd like that. I don't know John Mulligan, and haven't yet met Thorin. Thornton is a man of Society (even though he'd probably prefer not to be), and understands the niceties involved with dancing and socializing. The other guys might too, but they just don't care.
As for straight endurance, though... THAT'S a toughie. All three - North, Porter, and Gisborne - are soldiers by trade, and must stay in shape to stay alive. It'd be hard to pit them against one another in that arena. Sadly, I think all of them would kick Thornton's lovely ass.
Oh, and I figured you'd dust off that video from a couple weeks ago of him walking as Lucas North... it had a BeeGee's soundtrack. I can't remember which song, though.
Also,Sue mentioned that RA sometimes hunches over when walking, making him look rather tired and despondent. I read somewhere that tall people will sometimes do that to make themselves appear smaller to those around them - it's a way to not call attention to themselves. That doesn't seem like it would apply to someone like RA, who appears to have plenty of confidence, but perhaps it would apply to an aspect of his character or the mood of a particular scene.
Perfectly straight walker me thinks. Dance training would have corrected any faults...if he had any. Being a
Does he have any? Well in my head anyway...
As for walking towards camera shots...I vaguely remember in Spooks 7 or 8 when he goes to a russian nightclub and gets sat on by a very lucky lady, well, just before that I think he walks up the road straight to camera, possibly more than once!
Will investigate...
...oops accidentally left a strange 'Being a' in that last comment, ignore.
...have investigated...series 7 episode 7. It's not the bit immediately before the nightclub, but while he's wandering the streets.
Thx for the investigatory assistance ladies;) Off I go to find those videos & return for closer observation of Richard's gait. Might need to observe his advance straight toward the camera several times. These clinical studies might seem frivolous at first glance--not so--the RA universe needs to know the results.*cough,cough*
*investigative*...might've invented a new word w/investigatory
Dance training doesn't *always* correct the pigeon toes. It teaches you how to overcome it, though. I danced for 13 years, and I'm still ridiculously pigeoned...except when I dance... ;)
Laura, I trained as a professional dancer and teacher (my little bit in common with the glorious one :))...and there are ways and means...
I listened to the last of my BBC Radio dramatisation of The Hobbit last night, and it seems that Thorin dies after a battle over treasure and asks to speak to the Hobbit as he dies. Will the film scene be similar to our Sir Guy in RH do you think? Thorin sounds very stubborn and many die as a result of him not wanting to part with his treasure from the mountain, which once belonged to his kin. (Sounds like GOG), also very proud of his heritage (again like GOG). I must admit that he seems to be a major character along with the Hobbit himself and will obviously be in most of the scenes (unlike Gandalf). Now if only Thorin had a penchant for tight figure hugging black leather I'd be a happy bunny!!!!(and I have a feeling that Richard would be rather glad to slip back into his leather gear too! Will the sword be worn around the waist like a gunslinger as with Guy too? If only!)
Sue, I continue to hold fast the opinion director Jackson wants at least 3 of his dwarves to have sex appeal. With that in mind, Thorin could indeed wear some liquid-like leather - we know he'll often pull his sword from it's scabbard - Sir Guy taught him well;)
Laura & MSg68, wouldn't it be a dream come true if, after the Hobbit films are finally complete, Richard bites the bullet and agrees to appear on DWTS. Would he at that time be considered beyond the level of fame where it would be appropriate? Most of their participants are sort of second tier celebrities. In that case, perhaps even better would be his appearance in a musical play where he dances & sings. We can dream;) Wasn't Lancelot the largest vote getter in the musical play poll? hmmmm, can you picture him smoldering deep into Guinevere's eyes as he sings of his love for her.
We'd rather have him over here on Strictly...but sadly the likelihood of either is a big fat 0! We can but dream... it's the mention of an Argentine tango that does it for me!
The recent is it/isn't it Cats rehearsal footage was great to ponder opinion? Think it is.
Thanks for keeping it all fun RiCrAr! ; )
I tune in daily....well. virtually...
Best substitute dancer for the Argentine tango, that I can think of, MsG68, is Donny Osmond's. Already mentioned that I much preferred his group tango, but the AT was sizzling as well. Will add it to the latest post and your imagination can replace Donny w/your fantasy partner;)
Agreed that the cats dancer w/black ponytail did look a great deal like Richard. Only thing that gives me pause about it would be the fact there apparently are no other pix of RA with that same hairstyle. Believe at least one other would've somehow leaked out IF he ever actually wore his hair that long in RL. Suppose it's possible the play's director requested a fake ponytail for him...doubt we'll ever know for sure. Doesn't anyone have the list of players for that particular season of CATS?
Yeah am sure someone does, and he's in it.
Thinking he does grow his hair quite quickly for roles see.RH3 and in an old This Morning interview he does have a ponytail but sleeked & tied back (when he was growing it for RH) and it does kind of look like Cats dancer hairline... so...possible?
Thanks for Donny link, will do exactly your suggestion and replace him in my mind with my fantasy partner ;)
Ooooh, yes, those pix of Richard with pinned down ponytail are scrumptious. Sounds as tho' it must be him on the cats video.
He said of performing in musicals something to the effect "you just get up on stage and show off." Not challenging enough for him -- it is our good fortune that he decided to switch to acting, isn't it.
It is indeed!
Oh your comment on a later post re. "I'm playing (deep.deeper etc) Thorin" made me laugh out loud this morning!! :D
I'm so glad that you (and others) think along the same bonkers line that I do! Hahahaha...not completely mad after all... :D
MsG68, I'd almost missed your kind comment way down here in the blog's rathskellar. Were you searching for RA's Thorin's that thought for bonkers? *grinning from ear to ear* :)
Hope to see you upstairs sometime soon..there's a new Capt America video in latest post and we catch two glimpses of the sexiest German spy ever.
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