Most of us have discussed them among ourselves and admitted we have a fav.
You know the drill - we're sitting there innocently watching an RA dvd when suddently - BAM! - there it is. The cute little thing won't let us alone to focus on the plot. That's right - they're those distracting dots - in this case truly magnificent moles. Now it's time to vote for the one you can't ignore no matter how hard you've tried. This adorable cupid seems to want to mark each spot with an arrow...
#1. Constantly taunts us from under his right jawline..sometimes it's almost smothered by heavy stubble, but we see it anyway, don't we:)

#2. Located on left shoulder - here it is peeking from beneath Lucas' top...
#3. Top of his right arm...

There are others, but you need to have seen BTS...
I've heard more than once the suggestion RA fans could use a map:)
Please don't get too distracted and forget to vote for your fav in the poll.
Wonder if RA would enjoy the following valentines' jokes...they're a bit corny. In fact, I'm up to my eyeballs in popcorn:) Let's give it a try......
Roger, who was 19 years old, was buying an expensive bracelet, to surprise his girlfriend on Valentine's Day, at a very smart jeweller's shop in Hatton Garden, London.
The jeweller inquired, 'Would you like your girlfriend's name engraved on it?' Roger thought for a moment, grinned, then answered, 'No, instead engrave "To my one and only love".'
The jeweller smiled and said, 'Yes, sir; how very romantic of you.'
Roger retorted with a glint in his eye, 'Not exactly romantic, but very practical. This way, if we break up, I can use it again.'
Q: What do squirrels give for Valentine's Day?
A: Forget-me-nuts.
Q: What did the valentine card say to the stamp?
A: Stick with me and we'll go places!
Q: What did the stamp say to the envelope?
A: I'm stuck on you.
Q: Who sends a thousand valentines cards signed', guess who' ?
A: A divorce lawyer.
Q: What did the light bulb say to the switch?
A: You turn me on.
Q: Did Adam and Eve ever have a date?
A: No, but they had an apple.
Q: What did the boy octopus say to the girl octopus?
A: Can I hold your hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand, hand?
Q: What did one snake say to the other snake?
A: Give me a little hug and a hiss, honey.
Knock, Knock,
Who's there?
Olive who?
Olive you!
Q: Why did the banana go out with the prune?
A: Because it couldn't get a date.
Q: What is a ram's favourite song on February 14th?
A: I only have eyes for ewe, dear
Q: What travels around the world but stays in one corner?
A: A stamp.
Q: What happens when you fall in love with a French chef?
A: You get buttered up.
Q: What is a vampire's sweetheart called?
A: His ghoul-friend.
Q: If your aunt ran off to get married, what would you call her?
A: Antelope.
It was Valentine's day and Jim and Danielle's first date. They sat in the darkened cinema waiting for the film to start. The screen finally lit up with a flashy advertisement for the cinema's concession stand. Jim and Danielle realised that there was no sound. The film began but the silence continued.
Suddenly, out of the darkness, an irritated voice in the crowd loudly shouted', Okay, who's got the remote control?'
(oooh boy....that's a groaner)
you are sick! you need help!
Thanx a lot, it's lovely to see so many smiles of him. I really like this relaxed and happy sight of him!! Franciska
G'day anon, lighten up dear:) - you'll live longer. Do some research - there's scientific evidence proving that statement.
Hi Franciska, RA probably would enjoy most of those jokes, wouldn't he. The sweet man seems to be quick to enjoy a good laugh. Hopefully that will ensure him a long, happy life.
Yes darling...(I'm already practicing my Valentine's vocabulary :)....I'm sure he would. Perhaps the jokes are too difficult to understand for anonymous hahahahaha
Franciska prepared to take verbal abuse, Franciska. Let's practice our rebuttal - best schoolyard taunt ever for the bullies "sticks & stones may break my bones, but names will never hurt me." ;)
p.s. it would do her the world of good to roll on the floor laughing until she can't stop the tears, wouldn't it.
Just remembered - while hiking on one of our fav paths today, I related some of the jokes above. When I asked hubby "what did the the lightbulb say to the switch?" he replied "light my fire." hahaha I said No, but if the question was "what did the kindling say to the match?" that would be as funny as "you turn me on." :)
Seems to me that you and your hubby are a very merry couple. I must say that I really love the word hubby.. for a foreigner it sounds so sweet!! Actually, you can say it in many different a gentle way, in the 'posh way' Richard did (with the word perhaps) during his BBC America interview or (theatrical) in a swank way lol...eheh okay am I really talking so long about one word :/ :\???????
Now you've peaked my interest Franciska - when did RA refer to the word hubby during his BBC-A interview(don't recall it?).
DH has a great sense of humor - a very sincere & personable man(as I've been told by many others--not merely my biased opinion). No doubt he'd have sour-note 'anon'(above) chuckling within a few moments of meeting him. I've observed the phenomenon more than once...he considers it a charitable deed to defrost w/words the most glacier-like females(& grouchiest males as well:). The natural skill has served him well in many different capacities.
Hahah, have to clarify that misunderstanding as quick as possible. Don't worry, the poor man has NEVER spoken the word 'hubby'..Well that would have caused a enormous gossip, wouldn't it? lol. No, someone mentioned that the way Richard said the word "perhaps" was a bit posh, and I agreed with that. I've to admit that I really like that way of speaking. I can't explain why but whenever I hear English in a more sophisticated way, it makes me 'tinkle' and I 'surrender' easily (please don't pass that on, love ;)) Looking back at all my sincere remarks I think I've made myself ridicilous enough :)!!!
Well..about your're a lucky lady..
Thx for the last remark Franciska...I've always realized my good fortune:)
I'd better warn you about the word 'tinkle' - in the US that word means to use bathroom facilities. In particular, a parent might ask a toddler in potty training "do you need to tinkle?" haha...Believe the word you want is to 'tingle' all over. RA often gives us a tingling sensation, right? Do all English men have the 'surrender' effect on you or only the Tall, Dark, Handsome ones like Richard?;)
lol Thanks for your explanation.... Well who knows, maybe if Ríchard would speak to me I would need to tinkle :& (I hope not hahaha)
Aren't we having a brilliant and interesting conversation on potties(?) and peepees ehe tinkle(s)???? :)
Well obviously Richard is the only one for me :)I'm even more old-fashioned then him, so due to my everlasting faithfulness I'll probably be single for the rest of my life ;);) I'm not interested in other tall dark handsome English men. I'm not even sure if they exist? hahaa
So I'm asking you dear, just as Richard once did: "Am I painting myself as a total loser?"
Franciska :)
Well, there is a TBH Englishman that has the close attention of many women his age - Prince William. Red-headed Harry is devilishly cute as well(with the emphasis on devilish:)
They're both a credit to their mother's early training. Her demise must've left a terrific void in their young lives.
BTW, you've again peaked my interest with an RA quote - when did he ask if he's a total loser? Your query on that score is as obviously ridiculous as Richard's. As President Lincoln replied when informed the Union army's General Grant might over- imbibe on occasion - "If that's true, buy a case of Gen Grant's fav liquor brand for all the Union's generals":)
You're absolutely right about Diana and her love for her boys. Her death was a great loss (and a mystery...don't you dare ask me why..;)haaha) When William and Harry were little they were really cute and complaisant(?)where would I be without my dictionary hahaha) I don't think we'll ever know exactly how Diana's death has affected them. I do know though that Diana would certainly disapprove Harry's choice for wearing a Nazi costume....
Richard made the relevant quote during an interview 'RA Ladies beware'(19 April 2006):.... " Armitage describes himself as reluctant rather than shy when women approach him in the street. But without Thornton's top hat and cravat as a visual clue, he mostly passes unnoticed. Surprisingly, he has failed to capitalise on the fact that he has thousands of admirers. Surely he is missing a trick. "There's nobody in particular in my life at the moment, but I have had a few dates," he says. "I'm a bit of a recluse, a bit boring, really." He looks up, worried. " Am I painting myself as a total loser?".............
Yes he has said that a few years ago but isn't that sweet? Franciska
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