September 6, 2011

New John Standring Vid by Musa aka Faboamanto + Female & Male Stages of Life + Sharks Anyone?

The Female & Male Stages of Life: Age-Wise

Age – Favorite Drink

17 Wine Coolers
25 White wine
35 Red wine
48 Dom Perignon
66 M&F: Shot of Jack with an Ensure chaser

Age – Excuses for Refusing Dates

17 Need to wash my hair
25 Need to wash and condition my hair
35 Need to color my hair
48 Need to have Francois color my hair
66 Need to have Francois color my wig (Male: need to polish my bald head)

Age – Favorite Fantasy

17 tall, dark and handsome (M: a breathing female)
25 tall, dark and handsome with money (M: set standard too high at 17, necrophilia rocks)
35 tall, dark and handsome with money and a brain
48 a man with hair (preferably not on back)
66 a man (Male: an inflatable woman:)

Unpopcult writer whines that The Hobbit movies better be the best d@mn things ever for having pulled Lucas North, John Porter and Aidan Turner's TV characters from their screens *adding our whine to theirs*

Toothy Films:  Don't agree with their (probably tongue-in-cheek) assessment that most movies would be improved by the addition of sharks *snigger*  However, their graphics are hilarious...especially the one of Kevin Costner in the downright awful movie Waterworld - he has more hair on his chest than on his head.  IMHO, that actor's only worthwhile films were No Way Out (re-watched at least half doz times over the years - can't go wrong with a lusty young naval officer in his spiffy dress whites) and The Untouchables(good but one viewing sufficed..very violent)

Past Post from Nov 2010..interesting to read our predictions at that time for Lucas/John in Spooks 9

Sept calendars available at

Always wise to take a peek at their latest sources of info about us:
The few they did get right:
-- When we say, "He was so great in the delivery room!" we are actually just happy that you didn't faint, gag, or run screaming out the door.
-- If we make it through an entire first date without seeing what color your iPhone case is, well, we just might fall in love.
-- We still like being asked on a proper date.
-- Snuggling can fix just about anything.
-- We love the fact that you are stronger than us and that you can reach everything on the top shelf.
-- A deep voice. And some stubble.
-- We look into your minds by reading your magazines. [ did they know:]

Thank You Susan, aka Sue (she whose birth roots grew in very similar soil as RA's) for this tip:

WARNING:  Do not listen to the following ad unless you're in the market for a new phone..don't blame us if you listen anyway, and consequently find the rivetting husky voice has made your eyes glaze over and fingers begin to search for a website where you can order the product---you've been warned;)


John Standring - My Funny Valentine by Musa aka Faboamanto ..adorable and so appropriate for RA’s shy Sparkhouse character…

Past Post:

Musa pointed out an interview with romance novellist Ashley March.  She was asked to choose between Henry Cavill and Richard Armitage.  The writer said "Richard Armitage - have you seen North and South?"  JT's overwhelming charm makes yet another conquest. 


  1. Love the video with Giz and Mack the Knife! Fits him perfectly.
    Many years ago now I saw Sting on stage in the Threepenny Opera where the song comes from.

    Will Lucas make a surprise appearance in Spooks 10? I'm still hoping.

  2. haha, Musa, is there any 'casting' detail you don't know?;) Too bad there isn't currently a hot quiz show - you could win a fortune in that category.

    I'd forgotten the Mack the Knife vid until after posting the above shark remarks. Couldn't resist the visual symmetry.

    Good question re Spooks 10..RA was on hiatus while they were filming, wasn't he? The possibility alone seems like a compelling enough reason to watch the very last series. After following it very closely for 3years, can't help but wonder what will happen to Harry, Ruth etc.

    p.s. let me know if you find somewhere to watch or read commentary in real time. My hoped for source has not yet materialized. If it's not possible, we'll just need to rely on the usual youtube uploads.

  3. Has Richard been at it again?


    Just been watching the TV and whose voice should I hear during the TV adverts than Richards! Not sure how long this has been released but it was an ad. for the latest LG Optimus 3D smartphone. Just looked it up on the web and here's the link to the very advert:

    Does this mean Richard may well be sporting a very new and up-to-date top of the range smartphone I wonder? Knowing Richard he will have had it written into his contract to get a free LG Optimus free gratis as part of his fee!Doesn't miss a trick that one.

  4. Sue, thanks for finding that ad. He should record ads for everything. I would follow that voice anywhere.

    LOL Ricrar! I used to play Trivial Pursuit!

    Thanks for posting "Funny Valentine" :) Too bad that Michelle Pfeiffer didn't sing in other films, I like her sultry version of this song.

    I know last time with Spooks I had to look at different sites for almost every episode, but I always found it. You know both Spooks and Downton are on the same night!

  5. Actually I've just discovered that he recorded this back in July and it was reported on by RichardArmitagenet. I can't keep up with all this voiceover work, he never stops. His agent responsible for getting him his voiceover work (which is different to his agent for acting, a lady or ladies I believe)should be highly commended for all her (or their) hard work and keeping RA busy (and hopefully out of trouble).

    Spooks is back on our screens on the BBC over here in England next Sunday but the schedulers have been devious and timed it to coincide with the new series of Downton Abbey on ITV. Never mind I'll just record one and watch the other. (Don't these TV companies realise this is the digital age or what? Silly buggers.

    I love the clip of John Standring. Just watching RA play that character makes my toes curl! Despite Richard's comments (not entirely complimentary I thought). I think there's is quite a lot of RA's personality in that character, much more than Richard would care to admit to, and much more than the character of Harry in VOD who he likened himself to in one interview.
