August 20, 2010

Spooks 8: Lucas North Meets Sarah Caulfield - Episode 1


  1. LOL...Hey there Laura :)

    You know you've wanted to see(& hear) the woman who's been ridiculed & slammed mercilessly at many RA forums. Granted her American accent is not exactly what we want to hear, but maybe the actress was trying to combine every yankee dialect she'd ever heard in a single voice;)

    P.S. You'll need to be on your guard at this blog, if you expect spoiler free. It falls for me under another free-speech squelching conformity that suppresses the give & take of enjoyable conversation, which is 'political correctness.' I disagree w/both those concepts.
    Fiction is not sacred IMO once it starts to restrict free speech.

    Perhaps you can blame a few of my British ancestors' DNA residue for that attitude:) They were called 'non-conformists'...wild living Primitive Methodists that they were. haha *wink*

  2. No (chuckle)... it's ok. I wouldn't watch it if I thought it was a "bad" spoiler - one that would really kill a plot point for me. I knew who she was, and all that, although I don't know why folks don't like her (except for the obvious... she gets him and I don't!!), but I suspect that I'll learn that whenever they decide to release Season 8 (please? Powers that Be?... SOON!!)

    I didn't find anything too awful in her American accent - we have so many around here that one accent kinda runs into another.

    For example, I live in Iowa, but have lived in Chicago and Texas. I mix my native "Chicago" accent with the occasional "y'all" and "fixin' tuh" from Texas, and combine it with the traditional dropped preposition common in Iowa. To illustrate:

    "I'm fixin' tuh fry the saasij. It needs cooked before it goes on the pizza."

    (translation: I'm going to fry the sausage before I put it on the pizza. It needs to be cooked.)

    That reminds me... where are you from?

  3. Laura, I live within 40mi of PA dutch country...close to Lancaster...about 100mi from Philly. Our dialect is still today heavily influenced by the most dominant immigrant C19 group--the Irish. When we travel more than 200mi from home, we're often asked if we were born in IRL. Even Jewish residents speak w/a slight Irish lilt:) For this particular area, heaviest C19 influx after Irish was English, Welsh, Scottish, German.

    Had the opportunity pre-marriage, after living for a few yrs in the Phila. area, to actually hear the local dialect upon return visits. About 6mos upon returning to live full time, that ability faded away.

    I'm into genealogical research. Some family tree paternal census facts - the 1st child born for the initial generation from England was given the lovely name Laura. She married a man whose family had emigrated from Cornwall.

    Vaguely remember stumbling upon a small village named Laura in one of the southern counties of IRL...possibly Co Clare? Will dig in early bookmarks for the source.

  4. p.s. believe you identified the primary reason for so much enmity towards Sarah (other than the fact she was a politically elitist extremeist) when you said "she got him and I did not";)

    Marian received the same sort of ridicule and irrational bashing from a small group of RA devotees.

    IMO, that type of over the top emotional investment, by a few followers, is the reason RA takes great pain to keep his real love interest in deep cover. It only takes one truly fanatic follower to cause a problem.

  5. I've only seen Sarah and Lucas on the YouTube clips,but what confused me about her accent was that I thought she was attempting a US Southern accent of some sort, and then Ros said she was from Boston - LOL.
    Barbados or Bolivia? Now that would be a twist in the plot.
    I think from reading RA's early and funny messages to his fans that he was willing to be more open at first, but then I think he encountered just the reaction you mention RicRAr, and unfortunately felt he had no choice but to be more private. But then I don't know all the facts.

  6. It's really a shame that folks take their "fandom" (is that even a word?) to those kinds of extremes. Sure, it's fun to say that he's on your "list" (fans of "Friends" will get that reference), but being so jealous that RA has to hide his life - that's just going too far, and frankly, ruins the fun for the rest of us, who wish nothing but the best for him and his.

    I'll have to go look at my maps of Ireland - it's #1 on my list of places to visit when I win the lottery (lol) - it would be very cool to visit a place that shares my name!

  7. Musa & Laura,

    During an interview, for whatever reason, Richard mentioned the film 'Fatal Attraction.' That movie would give anyone pause, and definitely cause a celebrity to think twice about closer contact w/the public.

    If his decision to never appear in public w/her is not primarily for security concerns, then it could be a matter of determined avoidance of the celebrity couple syndrome...a la Brangelina. Didn't the curtain finally fall on that public-circus twosome?

  8. He really mentioned Fatal Attraction? Ok, no wonder he's taken a few steps backwards!

    I think Sarah isn't liked, besides her accent (lol), because she treats Lucas badly, I for one don't like her on the other hand I'm a M/G shipper, Margaret/John and Geraldine/Harry and the last 2 did get him and I didn't :P

    OML :)

  9. OML, I primarily didn't like Sarah's politics. It's amazing how eerily accurate the writers' portrayed her as an obnoxious elitist, convinced the self-conceived brilliance of her and her group rendered them deserving of making crucial decisions for the entire planet. The character description struck home, and made me appreciate how insightful the Spooks writers could be with current geo-political events.

    In their personal relationship, the fact Sarah couldn't kill him in cold blood, as she had her boss, convinced me she loved Lucas in her own way; which wasn't the type of love you or I found healthy for him.

  10. Well I wasn't paying much attetion to her political views through out S8, though she was definitely elitist. I hated her 'explaining' of her motives to Lucas in the hospital, with that she scored high in my dilake scale and it added to my disbelief when Lucas was so shattered with her dead.

    I know that when she didn't kill him, it was suppose to mean she actually loved him 'in her own way'. Maybe it just rub off the wrong way with me but that 'twist' felt as after everything she did to him with that I have to 'forgive her'.

    OK, maybe I get a little tiny bit protective over RA's characters and when I see the leading lady love them back I 'step backwards' and in this case Sarah only hightened my protectiveness :P

    Yes, I do know they're just characters in a tv show. I'm still in touch with reality, hehe.

    OML :)

  11. Their relationship really was an interesting dynamic, but his character was extremely vulnerable at that time. Not that it takes a great deal of persuasion for most unattached men to get involved w/a somewhat fair faced, tall, slender, willing blonde:) It's built into their gender genes. They can't be objective like us and refuse to let personal appearance influence our yearnings...teehee.

    Actually, IMO, RA devotees really do take into consideration his personality more so than his physical attributes. If they didn't, the vanity details of artificial hair color plus close attention to muscle definition, stubble etc would be more of a turn off than anything else (buff bods & handsome faces are a dime a dozen in today's show biz world)

    Instead, for the majority of Richard's fans, when coupled w/his modest approach to celebrity the eye candy simply becomes a very welcome extra added attraction...IMO:)

  12. Laura, I found the location in IRL - it's on the NW coast of Co Mayo(close to one of their pristine beaches)...there are only a few homes. It's called 'Glen Laura'..adjacent to Belmullet.

    Still can't connect the dots why the 2 Laura's born into my paternal C19 families were to the Methodists from England, when all my maternal rellies came from IRL:) but not a Laura to be found among them?? Genealogy is circles within circles...a spider web to be unspun. Whenever you make a major discovery, you know why you've bothered to spend the time.

    Digging into the source for 'Laura' revealed something, but I'm not yet quite sure what it is. The Belmullet area was definitely identifed by an elderly relative on maternal side(died at 103yrs old) as her grdparents birthplace. The quest continues...
