August 20, 2010

Early Happy Birthday Wishes to Richard Armitage. His natal day is Aug 22 - The Fine Wine Comparison Definitely Applies:)

For those who enjoy following horoscopes, Twitter provides a daily message.  Here's Leo the Lion...
Update for Game of Thrones: The small faction of those Song of Ice & Fire readers who press GRR Martin to finish writing Vol 5, will go ballistic when they learn of his future agenda.  Many convention plans on his calendar.  The extensive travel plus meet & greets will no doubt renew his creative juices, so IMO, the writer deserves to hear God speed Mr Martin and Enjoy!

Must admit the following, created by an impatient ASOI&F reader, did make me chuckle:D  For those not reading his saga - the Stark family is one of the 7 kingdoms in the series.

Astrology is one of those trivial conundrums that often test our ability to be perfectly truthful with ourselves.  It's considered wise to find horoscopes to be immature, child-like - geared to those seeking  escapism. BUT, let's admit it - don't you find they often seem to hit the nail squarely on the head?  For example, when it comes to RA's Leo forecasts below...isn't it downright creepy how often they mention 'drama', 'spotlight' and other terms that can accurately be applied to his chosen profession.  This seems to be true even when taking into account the fact all horoscopes must strongly generalize in order to find a touchstone with as many readers as possible.

One of the most knee-buckling discoveries for me, about RA within the past few mos, was learning his birthsign is compatible with mine hehehe(Sagittarius Saggitarius..oops, thx to the commenter who corrected the spelling. Maybe one day I'll actually use the blog software for that purpose:).   Grant me this silly indulgence(or possibly craving?) so close to Aug 22.  Promise to keep mention of it to a minimum at all other times. *wink*  (yeah, right! good luck with that! :)

All About Leo
Fast Facts:
Element: Fire
Quality: Fixed
Ruling House: 5th - Pleasure
Ruling Planet: Sun
Tarot Card: Strength
July 23 - August 22

Leo the confident Lion oozes with pride. You kings and queens of the jungle love to be the center of attention, strutting through life with a fiery air of confidence. Leos are warm of spirit, eager for action and driven by a desire to be loved for what they bring to others. Straightforward and bold, your place is in the spotlight.

Leo Astrology Compatibility:  Sagittarius and Aries

Then: Virgo, Libra, Gemini and Cancer
All About Sagittarius
Fast Facts:
Element: Fire
Quality: Mutable
Ruling House: 9th - Philosophy & Religion
Ruling Planet: Jupiter
Tarot Card: Temperance
November 22 - December 21

The adventurous Archer is on a quest; a quest for knowledge and wisdom that goes far beyond your immediate surroundings. Fascinated with what's just over the horizon, your ambitions are aimed far and aimed high, and you thrive on the journey toward attaining these goals. Ruled by expansive Jupiter, your sign is the incurable optimist of the zodiac. There is a greater awareness to be found, and Sagittarius is up for the challenge.

If there’s any intuition whatsoever to be found in horoscopes;) - it would appear RA could have an interesting birthday celebration this year:

>Leo Weekly Horoscopes (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

Last Week
This Week
Next Week

For the Week of Aug 16th, 2010 -- The Moon in friendly Aquarius enters your 7th House of Partnerships on Saturday night, which is perfect for exploring unconventional experiences or connecting with an unusual person. Breaking the rules with someone can make both of you feel free and open enough to be totally honest. Enjoy the adrenaline rush, but keep the mood light to make the most of the moment.<

>August 2010

Leo Monthly Horoscopes - The Temperature Rises

The Sun is shining in your fun-loving sign this month, which is an excellent reason to set aside as much work as you can to make time for play. Leo is associated with the heart and is certainly capable of dramatic expressions of love. The solar power lighting up your chart now can bring you to even greater heights of romance. Of course, sometimes it's hard to tell whether this is about true and lasting love or just a way to make your life more exciting. Fortunately, there is an important planetary pattern that can provide just enough reason for you to maintain a degree of emotional balance.

Loving Venus enters her airy home sign of Libra and your 3rd House of Communication on August 6 to facilitate reasonable discussions and reduce the stress of conflicting points of view. Still, Venus runs through a rough planetary neighborhood from August 7-10 that can provoke some surprising behavior and instigate power struggles. This is a time to shake up and shake out old attitudes and expectations, face jealousy issues and get a fresh start with the one you're with now or with someone new.

On August 9 the Leo New Moon sparks fires of emotional intensity that can turn a minor problem into a major conflagration. On the other hand, if you've been less than confident about yourself, this Sun-Moon conjunction provides a push that can boost your morale. Of course, nothing happens unless you're willing to take action and behave like the natural leader you are.<

2010 Leo Career Forecast - twist in the plot

Although you may need to prove yourself through extreme effort, your greatest reward this year will likely be a surprise. Strict Saturn frustrates you as it throws up obstacles that test your resolve. Its square to merciless Pluto -- which began last November -- requires you to overcome resistance on January 31 and August 21. You aren't being asked to play a minor role; you've been drafted as the star of your own professional drama. Opportunities tempt you on May 23 and August 16, yet you must demonstrate your worthiness before triumph can be yours. The tension is particularly high around April 26 and July 26 when stable Saturn's opposition to rebellious Uranus provokes you to overreact. Maintaining your cool and staying attentive to your long-term goals can set the stage for unexpected breakthroughs when prosperous Jupiter joins Uranus on June 8, September 18 and January 4, 2011.

Famous Leos

Jul 23: Daniel Radcliffe
Jul 24: Jennifer Lopez
Jul 30: Lisa Kudrow
Aug 9: Melanie Griffith
Aug 9: Whitney Houston
Aug 10: Antonio Banderas
Aug 13: Alfred Hitchcock
Aug 14: Halle Berry
Aug 15: Ben Affleck
Aug 16: Madonna
Aug 17: Robert de Niro
Aug 18: Robert Redford
Aug 18: Edward Norton
Aug 18: Patrick Swayze
Aug 19: Bill Clinton
Aug 19: Matthew Perry

The Lion is considered the king of the jungle, and likewise you Leos have an air of royalty about you. Some Leos even have hair resembling the thick mane of the Lion. But Lions are more than roar, for they are truly magnificent beasts. The Lioness proudly cares for the young, hunts and takes care of survival with relentless intent and ferocity, when needed. And proud are you Lions! Perhaps that's why you often choose work that puts you in the center of stage or in the spotlight of appreciation.

You Leos are warm of spirit, eager for action and are driven by a desire to be loved for what you bring to others. You are a magnanimous leader and a faithful servant. Once scorned in love, however, you'll withdraw your affections and the light, once brilliant, can go cold.

Your motto might be "What you see is what you get." You tend to live your live straightforwardly and with a flair for drama. In fact, many Leos are attracted to the theater, the performing arts and public relations, for you truly understand the importance of putting on a good presentation. As you blaze gloriously through your life, remember to take time to acknowledge the feelings of those around you. If you forget, you could unconsciously hurt someone you love. But, if you remain aware your impact, others can benefit from your presence.

Element: Fire

Fire signs are naturally warm. A fire gives light and heat, but it doesn't get depleted as others feed on its warmth. One candle can bring light to a room and it won't burn any faster if ten people read from its light than if there was only one. Fire doesn't plan it's next move; it isn't logical. It simply is in the moment and will burn what fuel is available without judgment or forethought. For this reason fire signs can successfully rely on their intuition and survival instincts.

The fire of Leo is brilliant and intense. It's like the summer Sun that relentlessly shows up every day and whose heat continues to build over a period of time.

House: Fifth

The Fifth House is directly related to children, but it is also associated with any type of childlike activity. Even grown-ups need to play and this is a function of the Fifth House. In fact, all self-expression and creativity comes from this sector. Additionally, this is the House of Romantic Love. Truly, the Fifth House could be called the House of Enjoyment.

Key Planet: Sun

The Sun is the undisputed King of our little planetary system. He is always in the center. Without his light, there would be no life here on earth. Although the Sun is 93 million miles distant, its warmth is the basis for all energy on Earth. Astrologically, the Sun represents our will. It's like the fuel that fires each of our individual furnaces and gives us cause to live. As the key planet of Leo, the Sun is the symbol of the self and from it stems all individuality and creativity.

Greatest Strength:   Your playful and loving nature
Possible Weakness:   Need for approval can become too important.


  1. Thanks for Richard's extensive horoscope RicRAr - you lucky Saggitarius.
    Wonder what his career forecast means "the star of your own professional drama"? What "unexpected breakthroughs" are ahead for our RA! I would say seems to describe him in many ways...
    I love to read horoscopes, though I don't guide my day to day life on them, but yes, I do find personality profiles can be surprisingly accurate.
    Hope whatever he does on his special day is special for him!

  2. Musa, could 'star of your own professional drama' mean he'll finally receive necessary financial backing for Richard III?...and could it also mean that he'll star in the production?

    Or does his "own professional drama" refer to a crucial career decision for him in the next few mos? Wonder if his plan to visit the US has been altered by the expanded SB2 shooting schedule?

    Yes, horoscopes can be fun, but when it comes to compatibility predictions -- hubby is a Moon Child(Cancer) and that's not one of the signs considered compatible w/Saggitarius. Despite that fact, we've been together for many yrs---maybe we're the exception that proves the rule:) He always says we've been happy for at least 3/4 of the time...haha..he's an incorrigible tease.

    Richard's horoscope for the week says he'll spend time on Sat w/someone he finds interesting. Could it finally be the female that will inspire him to call home every evening and fly home on wkends from SB locations? Hope so, for his sake, if he hasn't already met her.

  3. Synastry (compatibility) is a lot more complicated than the Sun sign which is just the ego. Romantic compatibility has to do with dynamics between your Moon signs (emotions), Venus signs (how you love and need to be loved) and Mars (sexuality), Mercury (communication), and to a lesser extent ascendants (first impressions and problem solving). And then how all these interplay between each other in your two charts. How does your Moon sign play off his Venus sign? And so on. And then you draw up a chart for the relaitonship itself finding the midpoints between all your signs, and the signs, houses, etc. off that.

  4. "When the moon is in the 7th house......" I love the creativity you put into this blog, thanks! I used to cast horoscopes and would be very interested in knowing RAs natal houses. Is there anyway to find out exactly what time and where he was born?

    To quote the Bard himself: "The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars,
    But in ourselves, that we are underlings."
    Julius Caesar (I, ii, 140-141)

  5. Whew! maybe your user should be Anonystronomy:) You've evidently had extensive experience with reading signs of the zodiac. It really is fascinating stuff. It's surprising to me that 2 fire signs are considered compatible - wouldn't the dual combustion create too much intensity in a relationship?

    IMO, there's another factor that strongly influences marriage compatibility. Isn't it strongly influcenced by the example our parents set for us as children? Reasonably happy parents demonstrate on a daily basis just what it takes to keep a loving relationship alive over many yrs. As an adult their children use that experience to draw emotional strength to cope with the difficult moments that occur in every partnership. No doubt that's only one factor among many.

    If zodiac signs could be used to foretell the best matings, it could grow into a very profitable business. Would certainly save time, but would it prove to be as much fun as the time tested methods of flirting, dating, baking homemade pizzas for the guy you're attempting to reel in...hahaha...oops, did I just reveal the strategy that helped land Mr Ricrar:)

    He still often expresses puzzlement over why the homemade pizzas finally faded away after our children came along.

    Light bulb!! Our anniversary is Sept 30....wouldn't he be surprised to finally get another one. Hope my fingers remember how to roll out that dough...better find the recipe ASAP. Look what astronomy can lead to - extra cheese, mushrooms & pepperoni toppings please. ;)

  6. Hi judith, our posts passed ea other in the ethernet.

    We know Richard was born July 22, 1972 - the place is a small community near the city of Leicester. Doubt the time was ever revealed to the public, but of course it is recorded on the birth certificate.

    Your kind words about the blog are very much appreciated...thanks;)

  7. Please be careful, depending on how serious one takes the art, many consider looking into another's astrological chart without their permission an invasion of privacy.

    It's kind of like looking into their therapist's charts for a psychological profile.

    (And Armitage's birthday is August 22, 1971.)

    Re: Two fire signs. They are or are not as compatible as two earth signs or two water signs. It depends on the signs and all the other planetary placements in each partner's chart. The sun sign is just one piece of the puzzle.

    Signs of an elemental group are also part of a quality grouping: Carindal, Fixed, and Mutable. Cardinal leads, Fixed anchors, Mutable flows. Aries is the Cardinal Fire sign, Leo is the Fixed Fire sign, Sagittarius is the Mutable Fire sign. These influence how the fire signs relate to one another (and other signs of course). Sagittarians are more easy going and are not as easily set off by the other two signs (though if pushed far enough they will blow up...and then leave. Sags are the "don't fence me in" sign.)

    It also depends on gender. This is going to sound archaic/sexist in the day and age, but unless a male Leo is extremely secure in himself, he is going to have a hard time dealing with a female Aries because she will push and try to dominate and he is a Leo, supposed King of the Jungle. A female Leo, it is traditionally considered, can only be "handled" by two signs, one of which is male Lion. (The other, oddly, is the charmer Libra.) A Lioness and a male Aries can go at it like hammer and tongs because he is trying to dominate and she's is not going to let him.

    But when you put signs of the same element together, you also get sympathy and easier understanding. It is easier for a Leo to understand and cope with an Aries' passionate nature because they also have a passionate nature. They understand the drive and the need for attention. They share and understand the intensity where another sign like a Gemini or a Pieces might be intimidated, overwhelmed, or turned off by it. So signs of the same element can actually get along better than they would with differing signs.

    Two of my siblings are married to a partner that shares their element (Pieces-Cancer, Virgo-Taurus) and their marriages have been long and happy.

    But again, the sun sign is only one part of the synastry. If the female Aries and the male Leo share a common Venus sign, like Libra which avoids conflict, that will blunt the fire of the sun signs and help them get along.

  8. Just two little corrections... Richard's birthday is August 22, 1971! And it is spelled Sagittarius! ;-)

    I have known for over 3 years that Richard and I are compatible! LOL I am a Sagittarius myself, single and only a few years younger than him. :-P Perhaps one day. he he he You never know it could happen. :-D

  9. Two different "Anonymous" at work here, BTW.

  10. All right, without a birthtime which would give us his his ascending sign (moves every two hours anyhow), here is what we can divine from RA's birth date and place.

    Sun sign-Leo-Theatrical (we already knew that one!)

    Moon-Virgo-attention to detail,serious minded but cheerful (yeah, mine is there also so we could be friends)

    Mercury-Virgo-Attracted to practical useful skills, likes to work with hands (DIY anyone?)

    Venus-Leo-Striking regal appearance and demeanor that attracts others! *sigh*

    Mars-Aquarius-Altruistic-will work hard for the attainment of group goals, as long as they meet your high standards (he's gonna make a great director which is his stated goal).

    Jupiter-Scorpio-Loves to dig deep beneath surface appearances in order to find out what is really happening. A persistent researcher and very interested in the psychology of any situation (these qualities serve to make him a wonderful actor, in my opinion).

    Saturn-Gemini-A clear thinker and speaker, with a logical orderly mind (Gemini is all about communication, of utmost importance to an actor).

    The rest of the planets are slow moving and tend to be generational, he shares the same traits as the rest of the 1965-80 crowd.

    Since his birthday is Aug. 22, he is on the cusp between Leo and Virgo and shares many Virgo traits as well. I am zero degrees Libra with a Virgo ascendant as well, so I also share those, both good and bad. Sadly my Venus is in Scorpio which is very badly aspected (he will never love me) but I do love grace and beauty which he has in abundance.

    Leo and Saggitarius are very compatiable fire signs so go for it, RiCrAr!

  11. haha...well, I would 'go for it' judith if it wasn't for a particular male on this side of the pond who still inspires me to 'go for it' *wink,wink*

    So, how much credence should we realistically give astrological influences? Personally, I'm willing to ascribe only about 10% faith in it's reliability. Wouldn't make major life decisions based on it alone, but possibly combined w/all other considerations it could help narrow choices.

    Reminds me of JT's cynical & heartbroken remark to Margaret "Oh, you must've disappointed so many men who've offered you their heart"...which made female viewers say to themselves -- "Propose to me John, you won't be disappointed in the reply";)
