November 28, 2009

Spooks 8 Discussion: All Comments Welcome

EPISODE 5: Anyone have an opinion why Lucas didn't make an excuse to not pursue his 'date' with Sarah once he decided she had lied about where she was when Samuel Walker died?  In fact, if he was convinced she had killed her boss why did he not find a way to call the evening's activities immediately to a halt rather than proceed as if everything remained the same between them?

Any and all comments are welcome for any episode or the series in general so far.  For instance, are you enjoying series 8 as much as 7?

Moment it became evident Lucas was no longer Sarah's malleable lovesick puppy - he gently BUT firmly pinned her arm to the pillow

and held it there for quite awhile. It became vividly clear to the viewer who was the dominant partner...always the gentleman but no longer her sex puppet

Obviously Agent North will no longer be purring (or in his case is it groweling?) double entendre invitations for Sarah to join him for breakfast.  Question is however have the writers killed her off in ep 6?


  1. Short answer...because he's a spy!
    Yes, he is in a relationship, but he knows she's also a spy (not for the home team) and so he should know he cannot completely trust her. M1-5 needs Sarah as part of their intelligence gathering so it is not up to him to say..."Sorry, I'm a bit pissed at her for lying to me, so I won't DATE her anymore!" I don't think that would go down too well at the office!
    I was actually proud of Lucas for distancing himself from her emotionally, while still maintaining his loving demeanor with her. (I would HATE that in real life, of course!) But it shows he might not be as emotionally needy as I thought. Damn! It must be tough to be a spy!! :)

  2. I'm enjoying this series even more than series 7, which I really like a lot.

    I agree with phylly3 about why he didn't end it. Plus, dare I say it, he's a man who finds her attractive, and hey, what does he have to lose?

  3. Thanks phylly the input. Did you notice HOW it was apparent Lucas no longer thought of Sarah in the same loving, tender way he had before she lied to him? One gesture made all the difference--did you notice? If all spies had Lucas' profile: intelligent, sensitive when necessary, handsome as HEdoubleL, wouldn't we all scramble for some way to volunteer our compensation necessary, other than being placed on assignment now and then with LN:)

    What about Lucas immediately changed from his mindset 'Sarah's wonderful' to 'Sarah's a murderer'?

  4. Bzirk, will admit I was playing devil's advocate with the question 'shy didn't he call off the date':) Yes, I agree that as a character said a few years back in a hit comedy series "For men, even when it's bad sex--it's really not that bad":) I believe the majority of women can't pull off a 'sex only' relationship nearly as well as men...we need that emotional attachment in order to totally enjoy intimate moments, don't we.

    For instance, believe I'd have lost my dinner in the middle of the action if forced (like Ros) to have sex with the financial predator in Spooks 7...the man even looked like pure evil. Yccccck! :)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Not to put too fine a point on it, but there is some merit to the idea that it's better to give than receive. ;)

  7. @ricra
    I'm not sure exactly to what you are refering. I would have to rewatch it. I found it interesting that he was on top this time though! LOL
    A lot of emotions seemed to play out with his amazng eyes when she was telling her lies. We need a screen cap to see exactly what you mean! :)
    Pretty please?!

  8. Clearly you did notice the 'attitude' change on Lucas' part towards his lover. It seemed everytime we were taken into their love nest prior to his conviction she murdered her boss, he was very compliant, tender and gallantly allowed her to take the lead in their lovemaking. Not this time! First, he pinned her right arm to the pillow, held it there and as you mentioned he became the clear dominant partner...always the gentleman but no longer her malleable puppet.

    His eyes did seem to be trying to penetrate into her soul while she lied...possibly clinging to the slimmest shred of hope somehow she would still provide proof of being the person he had imagined her to be. Poor Lucas:(...will he ever find someone to truly share his life?....forming a line with hundreds of thousands of other female volunteers;)

  9. Yes. I did notice the arm pinning, now that you mention it! Good call! Thanks for the screen caps, very good! Did you think there were a few more closeups of RA in this ep?

  10. It is only "professional" that he as a spy will go on with the, khmm, "operation" after he gets to know the truth. If he had kicked her out, she would have become suspicious. And I like that he becomes dominant and strong, and he looks like "now things have turned and I take advantage of you".

    I also liked the scene in Ep.4 when he shouts at that Russian guy. He is strong and agressive and all - but this time you can liike him for it, because he is a "good boy" here. We all liked GoG for being what he is, but that somehow strange, as it's Robon Hood you are supposed to fall for, isn't it? Then RA stole the show (no wonder, he was the only good actor in the whole thing) and everything got messed up. Here, you are free to like Lucas!

    Btw, I have to admit that at the moment I like Season 7 better. It was much better written, with the Russian script and all... Here some scripts are quite awkward (like ep3.) and though there is this "Swiss mystery" in the background, it does not seem to go anywhere, even though we only have 3 more episodes to go!!!!

  11. Ep3 was lame. It was a vehicle to release Miranda Raison, and frankly, that's about all it was. Oh, yeah, there was a great pool scene with Lucas. That's all I really remember about the episode except that I didn't understand the lack of security. There was an almost impenetrable bunker in the basement but no security outside? Huh?

  12. first time to this blog, found a link to it on Nat's and gotta say I just love this site! there's some good stuff here, anyhow, I have had some trouble with the whole Lucas-gets-back-into-bed-with-Sarah thing for two reasons:
    1) he does after it just finds out for sure that she has killed not only her boss, but supposed friend/mentor. Shouldn't he be freaked that she could turn on him any sec if she can kill Walker? I mean, how can he "perform" under such circumstances?
    2) Also, he tells her in epi 4 that he hasn't been able to feel anything for so long, and so asks her to stay when she comes back from being kidnapped and just wants to check in on him. It seems like he needs to have a human connection and so turns to Sarah, but now he's found out that she has been lying to him, so isn't he hurt by that?

    Anyhow, these two things perplex me.

    Also, I'm kinda new to spooks so maybe this has been explained in a previous epi, but I don't get what's up with all of lucas's tatoos. Is tatooing some sort of torturing technique, cuz i've never heard of it. I would think that his body would be covered by scars from beatings, etc. (plus wouldn't that be easier for makeup crew to deal with in the bed sheets?)

  13. Yes I noticed the attitude change by Lucas towards Sarah, hence the pinned back arm (which actually he pinched from his dalliance with Julie Graham when filming Between the Sheets.

    I doubt if he was naive enough to believe that there weren't ulterior motives underlying Sarah Caulfield's advances towards him. Lets face it all the agents use sex as a way of obtaining information via "pillow talk". I don't think Lucas will take any prisoners once he finds out he's being taken for a mug. I think he's likely to be pretty ruthless. The only problem I can foresee is when he may needs to "take her out" (kill her) if he finds himself in a dangerous predicament. Will he be able to pull the trigger on the woman he's been having a liaison with? Perhaps Ros will step in and do the dirty deed. I'm in no doubt that Sarah will get the elbow at the end of series 8. Perhaps Lucas North will do a Sir Guy and kill the woman he loves in a fit of anger/desperation after she reveals that she was only sleeping with him for her own ends (and I don't mean his bum here!).

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