November 29, 2009

LOVEometer Gadget

Give it a try - can't miss the new gadget with that humongous heart.  Simply type in Richard's and your name and see what rating the mating receives from the God of Love.   BTW,  as a means of comparison 'Lucas+Sarah' received 87??...gadget might need repairs:)  Although, I was really happy with mine combined with Richard = 97 *sigh,wibbly wobble*   Here's hoping the meter reads 'hot stuff' for everyone.


  1. Lucas and Jo made a 95! But now that will never be...SOB!
    My name and ANYBODY is only a 1!!! What's up with that?

  2. Okay, I shortened my name to 4 letters and my husband and I make a 99! THAT's a good thing! Still only a 1 with Richard though..**sigh**

  3. LOL...99 for you & your husband...Great! That's the important one...better a cozy set of spoons as the reality at home, than strong compatibility with someone we might never even see in person;)

    Having fun playing with all the gadgets this can take the woman out of childhood but can never take the child....:)

  4. Lucas & Jo a 95...I knew it!! Those two would've sizzled on-screen but the writers' never gave them a chance:( What were they thinking by eliminating Jo? Big mistake IMO.

  5. Drat, can't join in this compatibility stuff while at work.

  6. LOL..Ragtag, we'll look forward this evening to your mating rating with Richard:)

    Happy to report hubby & I get 98. Guess I'll renew his contract this year;) It seems the lovemeter has a bias towards short names...mine is one of those double female names like Rosemarie--only get the high rating when using half the name.Does that mean we really have a 49 rating?:(
