November 11, 2015

Richard Armitage:Week 1 for Berlin Station + Condolences to Paris & What We All Need to Know(see article) + Leather Jackets or Chunky Sweaters Poll

Why Paris?  This article explains..
                     Above RA is wearing both chunky sweater & leather jkt
Misty Mtn song from The Hobbit:
Berlin Station indoor scenes will be filmed at the same studio where Bourne Ultimatum, Hunger Games and other hit movies were shot...

Poldark Update: Demelza's dog in training


  1. A hooded leather jacket is exactly what it sounds like: a genuine leather jacket featuring a hoodleather jacket with hood The vast majority of leather jackets on the market are made without hoods. There’s nothing wrong with this style — on the contrary, hoodless jackets are simple and fun to wear. But adding a hood gives the leather jacket greater functionality, which is something that we’re going to discuss further.

  2. Are you excited about the latest trends in Pakistani lawn clothes design 2021-2022? When you get the best summer lawn design ideas for casual wear, the wait will end. In this article, you will discover the four main types of sewing by Pakistani girls:
