January 11, 2014

Richard Armitage:Live Appearance Thurs NYC(See details) + Game of Thrones4 Trailer + An Intro for the Poldark Series Remake + Davinci's Demons Returns + John Thornton of Gaskell's North & South

In 1972, Harold Pinter wrote a screenplay from Proust’s seven-volume masterpiece Remembrance of Things Past.

Decades later, Pinter and directing partner Di Trevis adapted the never-filmed script for the National Theatre in London. It has never been produced in the US. In celebration of Pinter’s long friendship with the Poetry Center and the centenary of Swann’s Way, we present a staged reading of the play, affording us “the pleasure of providing yet another angle of perception upon a work so elaborate and many-faceted it never fails to give back new light,” wrote John Updike.

The production is being directed by Di Trevis—who worked closely with Pinter—and Ed Sylvanus Iskandar. It features the following actors:

Natasha Andrews
Richard Armitage
Dan Amboyer
Kersti Bryan
Annabel Capper
Peter Clements (Marcel)
Samantha Dakin
Andrew Fallaize
Lara Hillier
Hall Hunsinger
Natalie Turner-Jones
Michael Villastrigo

A well wisher believes this particular character has RA written all over it.  Her instincts are usually very good in that way, so we shall see if she's correct: http://www.amazon.com/Swanns-Way-Marcel-Proust/dp/1444436546
John Thornton Revisited(Gaskell's North and South)

Another new historical series.  For a history buff this makes us happy, happy.  Pres Truman once said "the only thing new in the World is the History you don't know"..
Jan 20, be sure to watch the finale to season 1 of Sleepy Hollow. Here's the actor playing Ichabod Crane with his reaction to the suggestion Washington Irving's hero should wear skinny jeans..
Very first Outlander trailer..
Guess which is the hottest hairstyle currently being requested across USA--finger waves. Edith is a trendsetter.
"It's not over until" the part is cast - therefore, here's a documentary explaining the original series Poldark.  The Poldark Society still has hopes our fav actor will play the starring role in the upcoming remake of a once very popular tv series:

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