Obviously a Robin Hood fan wasn't satisfied with the tepid kiss above and found a way to make their preferred relationship between the two come true. Just ignore the fact she'd died--a minor technicality;D
Guy and Lucas waiting for admittance at the black pearly gates..
Oh, my Heavens. A Sir Guy retrospective. Thank you, thank you, thank you, Ricrar!!! What a way to start the week after a nice holiday weekend :) You are a miracle worker, as always :)
ReplyDeleteI must register an objection on a few of the polls, however. An authoritarian government takes power and tells me which RA DVDs I can keep?? As a good southern woman, I must stand by my right to protect my home and my private property, including my RA DVDs!!! :) :) And "speciality niches." There is no option for eyes. What about the eyes?? And dinners with an RA character and another woman?? I think not!!
Happy Tuesday, Ricrar. I hope you had a lovely MLK Jr. Day.
First they come for your private health coverage Cleo - can your RA dvds be far behind;D
ReplyDeleteOf course it's an exaggeration but currently we are moving down the path to totalitarianism. Hopefully in 3 yrs the few millions of low-information voters who've set us on this path will wisely see the need to reverse course. End of politics for 2013!!
Thanks for giving me the excuse to revisit Guy3. He did have his charms although series 2 Guy is my fav. The relentless way he pursued Marian was a beautiful passion to behold.
My poll screening must have automatically disqualified the eyes option for specialty niche, because vast majority of his followers do mention those magnificent windows to the soul as their very first fangurl weakness.
I am watcing RH 2:13 even as we speak, Ricrar. See, I told you I saw him in Haifa!! (It's right next door to Acre.)
ReplyDeleteFangurl. I like that. :) :)
They can have my private health care coverage, as long as they pay for everything themselves. It's my RA dvds they cannot have. Or my shoes. :) :) Not that they want those. :) :)
P.S. Thank you again for the beautiful Sir Guy retrospective. It is gorgeous! :) :)
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure - enjoyed revisiting angst filled Guy and his final redemption.
ReplyDeleteBTW, they will definitely not pay for everything themselves. We'll continue to pay for deteriorated healthcare.
Federal government could never run efficiently such a complicated program. Perhaps in 3yrs everyone will realize forcing it on the majority of Americans, who really don't want it, has been folly and we'll throw the mandate switch in reverse.
Now you have a challenge - the ultimate Sophie's choice - will you choose the new Guy of Gisborne app that purrs or growls in your ear?;D (see latest poll)
Good morning, Ricrar!
ReplyDeletePurrs. He definitely purrs.
:) :)
I like the new pics and collages, Ricrar!! RA perdu dans le bois! Quelle -- something or other. I'm not sure what, but it works! :) :) You are an artist, Ricrar :) :)
ReplyDeleteMerci beaucoup Cleo;D That's almost the extent of my learning after 2yrs of French classes. "RA ? in the woods!" What's "perdu"..sitting?
ReplyDeleteSaw the intense blue forest photo and decided it was at least as gorgeous as Richard, so there he sits enjoying some R&R. it's a more deserving setting than the scruffy looking window/building in the original, isn't it?(see photo below);D
Cleo, Don't miss the newly added video of Thorin and Lucretia Borgia. The actress who played Meg in Robin Hood is Halliday Grainger - she's currently playing Lucretia.
ReplyDeleteApparently the fan wanted more from Guy and Meg's relationship, so they invented a hot romance.
Wow, that is an amazing video, Ricrar. Gorgeous, as always, and very inventive. It's amazing what someone who knows what they're doing can do with film clips these days. Beautiful. I was always a fan of Guy and Meg's romance, as I have mentioned :) I thought it brought out the tender side of Guy and made his motivations seem more positive and believable. I never knew about her as much, since we didn't see her for long, but I thought it showed Guy in a very sweet, positive light.
ReplyDeletePerdu dans le bois -- refers to a line in the Gershwin and Gershwin song, "Someone to Watch Over Me." "...a little lamb lost in the woods." It's the French version (I had to sing it once in French, so I know the line :) ).
Love the most recent post :) Although, I must say, it is almost too much for a middle-aged fan of RA to hear him giving us a lecture on reproduction. Quite informative, I am sure :) :)
Love that first painting -- of RA superimposed on a coastal town. It reminds me of a village in Kenya I once visited, although, surely if it's Monet, it must be the coast of France.
Thank you for the beautiful images and videos, Ricrar, as always. :)
Whoops! Not sure why that didn't go in as Cleo. Call me Cleo :) Or Ishmael...or whater :)