December 1, 2011

Festive Season of the Year

Act like a cat:

If it didn't interfere with naptimes, cats would rule the world:


Afterall, it's not like Thorin didn't have plenty of practice wielding a sword in another life...

Robin Hood Hotel saved in Newark, Nottinghamshire, UK...anyone who has read this blog on occasion over the past couple yrs, has probably noticed I'm a history buff and enthusiast for saving historic buildings wherever they might be located.
History of Newark, New Jersey, was founded by a group of Puritans from Connecticut who were displeased they'd been merged with non-Puritan neighbors.  They contacted the founder of New Jersey - who was the former Governor of the Isle of Jersey - and bought a parcel of land from him to establish a new community governed by the Puritan Church.  [Personal note:  isn't it ironic that the Puritans condemned the Catholic Church at the time as tyrranical yet felt they should have total control over their church members?  Wasn't the word *hypocrisy* to be found anywhere in C17?]


  1. Hey there Jonia :)

    How have you been? I see you're still a Guy girl. *no surprise there* LOL

    Which one do you love? Thought I might've gone overboard with the holiday embellishments, so it's great to hear you approve.

    The last one, with that intense blue gaze, is a bit unsettling - isn't it? *giggles*

    I've not checked your blog out for awhile - will stop by soon to see what you've been up to. *Mwah!*

  2. RA Christmas all over! Love it!

    I'm in love with the bottom one, his sweet smile, and also the "naughty" postcard. Maybe instead of Santa it will be RA leaving us presents this Christmas.

    I was thinking that it's summer in NZ and their basking in the sunshine.

  3. LOL - Love the postcard to Santa!
    Well done!

  4. Musa, those pix of RA - with the pensive expression followed by a beaming smile - have always been some of my fav. Those of us who've always considered snow & bundling up for the cold weather part of the holiday, find it difficult to imagine Christmas basking on a beach. Not that I'd be adverese to giving that a go one year.

    Thanks tyme4t, but I can't take any credit for the postcard other than choosing which RA pix to upload for it and adding "he's the reason". That postcard is available at Photobucket for everyone with an account. They'll add another type of Christmas software each week until Dec 25. As you can see, my reaction was to play with the new feature like a child on Christmas morning.
    Hope you've been well:)

  5. My favorite is the postcard to Santa as well!;)
