October 2, 2011

GoT Vol 2 'Clash of Kings' Outline + Finally Game of Thrones2 Pix + Clarissa Narration Excerpt + Richard Armitage Various & Sundry

Maks has to be the Dancing with the Stars professional who comes closest to giving us an idea how RA would look on the dancefloor...similar only as another DTH..that's where the similarity ends..Maks you see fervently believes he's God's gift to women..not a scintilla of humility can be detected in him...but he certainly looks fine on the dance floor..
His partner is the captain of the USA's womens' soccer team..as a life-long athlete, she claims to have  difficulty thinking of herself as sexy..their 3rd week cha-cha-cha..

Vol 2, Series2 - CLASH of KINGS: Finally seeing signs of the buildup to Game of Thrones2:

Past Posts:  Romans in Britain links, etc


[UPDATE: Ep 1 of Once Upon a Time has been rescheduled for Oct 23 due to playoff games.]

After weeks of the vast wasteland which was tv programming once Game of Thrones I had ended, the new fall lineup of shows is upon us.  Never enough time to check all of them out, therefore am happy to see particular websites where they're explained in detail and reviewed.  So far, the two that sound most interesting to me are Showtime's 'Homeland' and ABC's 'Once Upon a Time'.  I know dh is keenly interested in the first as well, but very much doubt he'd find anything to his liking in the second series which is a fantasy series digging into Childrens' Fairytale characters in a C21 setting.  One website that delved into Once Upon a Time recommended sipping on a cup of tea while watching...therefore(review below)

Ep 1 of Homeland proved to be as entertaining as we expected.  Marine Nicholas Brodie has returned home after 8 yrs imprisoned by alQaeda.  His scar ravaged chest & back attest to that fact.  First episode was very exciting - the female CIA operative is hot on his trail trying to find evidence to prove he was actually turned by his captives and sent back to inflict what tragedy on his homeland?? Yikes!  As in the case of Lucas North, I'm hopeful by the final ep we'll learn that all is not what it seems - only this time hoping our hero will be proven to be just that.

One review of 'Once Upon a Time':
Created/produced/written by former LOST producers/writers Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis, with writer/producer and sci-fi icon Jane Espenson (Buffy, BSG, Warehouse 13).

Once Upon a Time is a very clever, whimsical and dark spin on familiar tales from childhood. It is easily the most unique series to debut this fall, with a tremendous ensemble cast and the ideal creative team behind the scenes for a show of this nature and scope.

Make no mistake - Once Upon a Time is not a show about fairy tales; it is a refreshingly original series that openly embraces a journey through two worlds – the Then and the Now (not official terms for each time; simply my way of differentiating). While watching each episode of Once Upon a Time, keep a keen eye wide open for recognizable, iconic nods to both LOST and the tales you all loved as children. Homage is alive and well in the town of Storybrooke, an entertaining addition to the fantastic world that Horowitz and Kitsis have created.


Photos taken on Game of Thrones2 set in Dubrovnik, Croatia...
Sansa and Joff in much better mood than we usually see them on screen..appear to be laughing at something writer David Benioff said.  He's walking behind them.
Tyrion sunbathing out of costume..

More photos here:


  1. Interesting photo's of Game of Thrones. They recently got caught out by a downgraded hurricane (tropical storm apparently)that hit Ireland where they were filming and it blew their tent away and they all ran for the hills!(Good job that didn't happen to Richard when he was in a certain tent back in the depths of time.Now that would have made it memorable!Well more memorable perhaps!)

    Watched Spooks last night. Dimitri saw a bit of action last night (in more ways than one!) It was a case of him having to lie back and think of England, all in the cause of British intelligence you understand!(It's a tough job but somebody's got to do it). Pretty lacklustre actually, nothing on his escapades in the Tudors.

    Looks like Ruth is being head-hunted by the Home Secretary too!I wonder if there really is a chance of a spin off to Spooks? Methinks it likely.

  2. haha..RA 'blew my tent away' more than once, Sue.

    Isn't it great to finally see some production news from GoT2.

    Your mention of Dimitri having to lie back and think about England reminds me of the stripper club scene when Lucas also *did whatever it takes to keep England safe.* Posted that phrase at an RA forum along w/one of the red-tinted pix of him sitting in front of one of the *ladies* - a Brit fan remarked in reply "now that's funny!" haha

    Hope your dream comes true of a Spooks spinoff. Can't believe how many regrets I've read that the show is about to fade away.

    A really good new series here on the Showtime network that might make it's way over there. It stars Damian Lewis as a US marine held captive by alQaeda for 8yrs. He's sent home - a female CIA agent suspects he's up to something devious and goes to great length to try to find evidence including having camera installed in his bdrm where she & huge American audience were peepingtoms when he restarted conjugal relations with his wife. His trunk & back covered w/scars *sob* from torture by the insane ba$stards(realize it's fiction but many of them in RL are twisted & inhuman).

    I'm hoping his memories were altered same as I have for Lucas North. World needs to retain as many heroes as possible, even if they're only fictional characters.

  3. Great pics from GOT's. I can hardly wait for this to start up again.

    Homeland sounds like it will be good. Thanks to you, I know what to watch.

    You always have a best pics of RA..as Guy or as himself. I love this man! Even with this drought, my love for him is just as strong.

  4. Hey there Carolyn:) Thx for your kind words. Happy to recommend any good shows that catch my eye. Want to tell everyone in this comment that you're the fellow RA fan who took me through the process step by step..patiently explaining how to upload pix. Remember asking forum members "please be gentle with me ladies..it's my very first time" :)

    That was the first of what has to be many thousands by now. Thx to you I've enjoyed each and every one of them...drooling over our fav actor each time.

    Game of Thrones will air in April. By the way, the USA shows White Collar and Burn Notice return one month from now. Matt Bomer and Jeffrey Donovan are only a few weeks away...helps provide some relief during this lonnnng RA drought.

  5. RE: Dancing with the Stars show. It would I suppose be a little unfair to have Richard take part in a dance show with his experience as a choreographer and his stint in musical theatre. It might be an idea to consider him for a judge though with his credentials he'd be ideal! He'd be lovely, not nasty and bitchy like some of the judges on Strictly Come Dancing, which is a British show on the BBC.

    Actually thinking about it he could be a judge on one of Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber's shows which is to find someone to take the lead role in one of his West End shows. Another actor who started in musical theatre and is now starring in a soap over here in England called Eastenders is a judge and I think Richard would do a lovely job. He has been in some of Andrew Lloyd Webbers musicals after all, such as Cats.
