September 15, 2011

Spouse Tweets He's Missing RA in SB as Much as His Wife:) + Landlord of the Ring + Kiwi Compares Boston Weather with Wellington, NZ + How Cool Is This? + Was Harry a Groomzilla?(see vid) + Tudor Trivia

Did you ever get the feeling a certain leather clad knight could use a PR spruce up?  Someone seems to equate his pursuit of Marian and position in the medieval world with a certain 4-legged prowler

and another...anyone know who's creating them?

Fri  SB, ep 5...TWEET: SarkyClarkey Clarke

I think I might be missing Richard Armitage nearly as much as my wife #Strikeback #ProjectDawn

Good read:  'Travels in America' -- Kiwi writer who is working on his Masters in Boston, Mass.
Ian McKellen buys London pub immortalized by Dickens (who sang for patrons as a boy):

How Cool is This?
Care to visit the National Gallery of Art in Washington, DC?  You can electronically navigate around each room.  It's really a beautiful building with gorgeous works of art.  Took my younger brother there for a visit after his graduation from high school - he was interested in art classes at that time.  He never did pursue it any further(other than focusing on photography as a hobby) and instead became a High School Counselor..pleasant memories.  We'll shortly get to reminisce at our niece's upcoming wedding.  It's not for two mos but preparations are at full throttle..

Do you know a bride-to-be who has a 'bridezilla' attitude toward planning her wedding?
My niece is the antithesis of that sort of bride.  e.g. It's an evening wedding, so her bridesmaids will wear floor-length dresses.  Keeping that fact in mind, she told her attendants they could go ahead and choose any shoes they pleased since they will be covered by the dress.  Learned when she related the story to me that I'm more of a bridezilla personality than she.  Because I was aghast:)*gasp* that she'd been so casual(at least to me) about what type of shoe the females in her wedding party will wear.  I said "yes, the long dress will cover their shoes most of the time but there will be moments when they're visible and wouldn't you want them to at least be the same color?"  Being the adaptable, relaxed, laid back, sweet female that she is, she agreed the one color restriction would be fine.
What about you?  Were you a taskmaster when it came to keeping your wedding party in line for the big day, or did you go with the flow and simply enjoy the party? If not yet married, do you know brides who exhibit the typical bridezilla attitude? That's usually the label given to women who crack the whip as far as making certain every tiny detail to do with the ceremony and bridal party are perfection?(despite the fact no wedding is ever error free..the small faux pas are what make them memorable)
Do you find Harry Kennedy to be a groomzilla in the following vid?(see poll)

News We Can Sometimes Use:
According to Nielsen’s second quarter data, 57% of all Tablet owners are men. Conversely, the majority of E-reader owners (61%) are female. Ownership of Smartphones is split evenly.

The cult of the tablet can also be seen amongst readers of this website, as the number of visits from iPads have increased by over 40% in July vs the average of the previous quarter.
Source: Neilsenwire, “Changing Demographics of Tablet and eReader Owners in the US,” August 25, 2011

A study shows that men are less eager to create online friendships than women but that men are also almost twice as likely to utilize professional social networking.

 Fascinating blog for Tudor buffs:
EXCERPT:  Sumptuary Laws in place during Tudor times regulated the wearing of rich fabrics to the upper classes, the number of meal courses to be served for specific guests, and the purchases of luxuries allowed for each social class. Henry VIII, in particular, was concerned about the rise of the wealthy merchant class with no connection to nobility, and so he revived and expanded the restrictions on clothing and other expenditures. For example, only members of the royalty were allowed to wear ermine, and only the nobility were allowed to wear clothing trimmed in fox or otter.

[R: even handsome Henry Cavill looks a wee bit silly in his ermine trimmed chapeau]

Thorin is sexy and he knows it..

Want to give this crossword puzzle a try?  I completed it in a miserable 8:43sec...took my time *teehee*..wanted to get it exactly right *evil grin*  It has 40 pieces but moves quickly unless you deliberately me...Let us know how you do..
It's this Lucas tatts pic..looks as though you'll need to click on 'scatter' left bottom


  1. Lots of reasons to dawdle here and lots of places too! ;) *Blush*

  2. Welcome Teuchter...what made you blush? Dawdle as long as you want.

  3. I worked in a Bridal shop as my first job, and was definitely a very laid back bride because of it. My best friend was my only maid of honor, and I told her she could wear anything she wanted. We had a lovely party actually on a boat, married by the Captain in San Diego Harbor.

    Just love going through your videos! If you get a chance, stop by and chime in on which RA video should be his Battle Cry for our round 2 battles...thanks!

  4. I have a question that maybe y'all can help me clear up. In the "Vicar" Video, at just after 6:03, when Harry is talking about doing the accounts for Geraldine's friends. He leans back on the couch, and says, "Just Owen's to do now..." and right after that, says something that I have not been able to catch. Does anybody else know what it is? It's been driving me nuts for YEARS (which, admittedly, is not a long trip). It happens at 6:06, to be precise...

  5. Thanks for the invitation, Courtney. Hmm..which vid is his battlecry? Will need to think about that one.

    Sounds as though you had a lovely wedding. Mine was intimate as well..had only my older sister as matron of honor. We were married within a short time after my dad passed away (after a long illness) so my heart wasn't really in planning a large event. All those we hold dear where there and that seemed to be perfection for us. A year later we were 3(a son) and 2.5yrs later 4, when our daughter was born. Today they're both married - so our extended family has become quite a little party in itself:)

    My niece, on the other hand, will have quite a procession strolling down the center church aisle. Half a doz close friends and cousins are her attendants. Discovered it helps to have that many females involved - everyone seemed to volunteer for a task geared to their individual talents. Her shower is this Sunday - only thing left for me to do is prepare a couple casseroles and help set up the buffet.

  6. Hi Laura, I listened again and couldn't detect exactly what Harry says about Owen. It sounded as though he mentioned his dad?? isn't his father one of the characters as well? Perhaps "he wants his dad to pay his taxes"?

    Maybe Sue will come along and take a listen for you.

  7. If I remember rightly, not watched the video for a while, (shame on me) he says something about him being "dead". He was avoiding paying taxes or something I think.

    Love the Guy pictures. I do miss my Gizzy fix, those tight leathers were really something. Mind you I very much doubt if he could squeeze into them these days, he's bulked up an awful lot since RH. As for the glimpse of those peaches in the boiler suit changing scene in Spooks, well my first thought was "God he's got a backside like a great carthorse". It certainly didn't look that big in his figure hugging leathers as GOG. (Those were the days!)

    By the way I've just read that Richard emailed Lara Pulver (AKA Guy's sister in RH) to congratulate her on getting the role in Spooks. What a darlin' he is. (Go to the Richard Armitage Net website for more info.

  8. More amazingly gorgeous photos of RA!And that Lucas pic!!!!!!!
    Liked the husband who missed JP as much as his wife, I miss JP too. I miss JP and Lucas...

    Interesting stats about tablets and male/female preferences. I've been pondering whether to get one, too expensive right now...but maybe way to watch RA when I'm on the go :)

  9. True, Sue, RA did build more muscle as Porter - wouldn't that result in even firmer peaches? Might need to squeeze to make sure they're ripe for the picking:)

    Musa, about an iPad..I became interested as well - while researching discovered Amazon is planning to release it's own version at a huge discount. Their business strategy takes into consideration that many will use it for e-reading, and they'll receive increased sales. Might be worth the wait. The article gave a Nov release date..probably to take advantage of holiday shopping.

    The hubby tweet re RA/Porter was so sweet. Very few men would admit it when they know their partner has a crush on him.

  10. RiCrAr,

    Interesting to read about bridezillas. There is a series on TV over here in England at the moment called that. I watched the first couple of minutes but there was so many couples arguing and fighting I switched over quick pronto!

    I have had a very close call myself but I saw the light and remain very happily single (like Richard I dare say).

    To be honest I think all the money spent by couples on getting married is a complete waste of time. It's simply a case of one-upmanship for the sake of friends, family and neighbours. Many couples I know have spent huge amounts of money on weddings only to end up divorced and up to the eyes in debt well after the marriage is over.

    If I ever take the plunge I'd prefer to elope to Gretna Green and get the blacksmith to bang his anvil and hey presto your wed, no fuss, very little money spent and no hassle! Marriage should be all about the two people making a commitment to each other, not great guest lists and inviting droves of family and people you can't stand the sight of, who are all there for a free feed! Now the honeymoon would be quite different a lovely break somewhere sunny and warm (or skiing perhaps, staying in a log cabin miles from anywhere? Nights spralled out together in front of a roaring log fire, now that would suit me down to the ground! Wonder when Richard will finish filming in NZ!)

  11. True, Sue, weddings and Christmas are overdone. Of course, the businesses that benefit from both would never agree. For weddings in particular I agree the bride often feels compelled to compete with her friends/schoolmates trying to outshine each other with the most unique event.

    Did you read today's article about Brendan Coyle - he states in no uncertain terms that he's ready for marriage.

    I felt a wee bit uneasy reading the piece because the writer kept referring to Brendan as sexy & passionate, and all I see when I look at him is almost a clone of my father. I know many females swoon over him but that would make me feel like Cersei in Game of Thrones - incestuous:)

    Your description of that ski holiday in front of a roaring fire sounds so romantic.

    We spent an anniversary at a lodge with not only a hot tub in the room but also a gas fireplace. The two of us looked like boiled lobsters - bright red:) by the time the evening was over. haha true confessions *blush* We still laugh about it.

  12. RiCrAr,

    I did read the piece about Brendan Coyle. So he's ready for marriage, shame he's well past his sell by date! He used to be very handsome looking and he was in a series similar to the one Richard starred in "The Golden Hour" only it was about mountain rescues. He's got a bit flabby since then, needs to go on a bit of a diet and cut down on the Guinness.

    By the way I forgot to mention in the post above about GOG's nemesis (his sister Isabella)actress Lara Pulver. She was actually very good in Spooks last night, not over the top like the actress in Strike Back, Amanda Mealing. It looks like a very good meaty role for her.

  13. Thanks for the info about the tablet Ricrar. I'll keep checking - November will be here soon enough :)

    It was great to read the inteview with Brendan Coyle. I've been watching him in Larkrise to Candleford lately, my PBS station has been showing the series on Saturdays for a while now. I've liked Brendan in every role I've seen him in. Since we know Julian Fellowes has seen North & South and is obviously a fan, wouldn't it be wonderful if he would write a series or movie for RA! I'm also a fan of Julian Fellowes since seeing him in Sharpe!

  14. I enjoyed Lara as well Sue but it seems the reviewer at Unpopcult website has the opposite view of her performance..see in latest post. Harry pearce on twitter says he has a crush on Amanda Mealing:)

    Really Musa, Fellowes in Sharp?..which character? I should watch my dvds of Larkrise & Wives&Daughters. Same sister who sent N&S as a Christmas gift sent those 2 in succeeding yrs, since I'd made such a fuss over N&S. Sadly, the other 2 are missing one crucial ingredient to catapult them into the *must see* level - Richard Armitage:)
