The character of which I speak, even tried to capture more attention in Entertainment Wkly
Time for some unvarnished truth about the only Tolkien character who might have the ability to draw more attention than Thorin in THE HOBBIT. It’s Gollum, the creature with even larger blue eyes and also an extremely riveting voice (albeit with a far different effect). I know, I know…those facts are harsh but true.
Therefore, close observation is necessary in order to determine whether Gollum can possibly continue to hold his trophy as the most captivating Tolkien character, once the first Hobbit movie is released. First, Gollum’s most serious contender in that category - then more pieces of evidence for consideration before the RA court…Gollum impersonators:
Real thing follows…well,,,,you know what I mean…
Had ignored the LOTR films until the last couple mos, therefore this mtv award clip made me almost burst with laughter. Have found Gollum to be the most imaginative and amusing character in the films (as well as in the novel of course. Best to ignore the crude language - definitely was not Tolkien’s - you see, mtv respects nothing ;)
One more - LOTR bloopers - my fav is the Sean Bean character at cliff's edge...LOL
GAME OF THRONES will premiere Apr 17, US and Apr 18, UK...
Hobbit mysteries to be revealed
TOM CARDY - 21/02/2011 - NZ Dominion Post
The Hobbit starts shooting on March 21. The central character is tiny on screen, but the US$500 million two part film is a big deal, so expect Wellywood Confidential to focus a lot on The Hobbit right through to its expected release of part one next year.
Those cast in The Hobbit already are the lucky ones, but who else will we see trapsing through Mirkwood?
..If you want to be an elf..then you should turn up at Te Whaea National Dance and Drama Centre at 11 Hutchinson Rd, Newtown in Wellington on February 26 between 9.30am and noon and 1.30pm and 3pm.
Having pointy ears won't get you far. The important bit is height and being thin. Blokes have to be aged between 17 and 40 and 6ft (183cm) or taller. Ladies have to be aged 17-40 and at least 5ft 9 (175cm) or taller. It's for parts as Elven horse riders extras (how cool is that?) and elven extras.
There is also other casting going on behind the scenes and I've heard on good authority that several children, some as young at 19 months, have already been cast as hobbit extras. And while hobbit sizes means ages can get confusing, they are playing hobbit children and have even been fitted for their costumes and have giant furry hobbit feet!
So have you considered auditioning for an extra in The Hobbit? Are you planning to turn up on February 26? I'd love to hear from you before and after, furry feet or pointy ears.
Email Tom Cardy with any tips on what's going on in Wellywood or follow him @tomcardy
- The Dominion Post
Giving thanks for the following golden gems:
Just can’t get enough of bccmee’s RA bits from THE HOBBIT press conference?
Or Spikesbint’s lovely RA birthday tribute - N&S narration clip
Also the fever inducing SB viral by Seanographic…
Here's an in-depth study by bccmee of the Danni character in Strike Back - probing her motivation for getting rather close to John Porter:) Heehee She must be convinced there's something deeper than the fact he's hotter than hades;) It came to mind this evening because the elevator scene is the next quest in the RA pic scavenger hunt on twitter. Wonder whether Danni will reappear in SB2?...
There currently seems to be an on-going search for every possible photo of Richard with a beard; hence, handstands over these recently capped by RACentral or richardarmitagenet of RA in Macbeth(2001: second cap below)

It's not Thorin, rather Aragorn in similar will The Hobbit's Thorin be to this...
During an interview, RA said he considered this N&S scene to be one of the most memorable..
We can't allow Thorin, Guy or Gollum to steal all the thunder from the original male, who rendered so many females all atwitter, and experiencing the overwhelming feeling expressed by...
That's true dvdN&S. Would Richard be thrilled to make a North and South sequel?...hmmmm, feel a poll coming on - thx for the inspiration;)