August 25, 2010

Richard Armitage Characters: Which One Would Most Enjoy a Chick Flick?..see poll

Definition of chick flick - noun
a movie primarily of interest to females, often due to content (love, friendship, emotional scenes) or the cast (primarily females). Examples include Steel Magnolias, The Truth about Cats and Dogs, etc. The term is used frequently by males when talking about such films. (See also Dick Flick)  Which RA character would most enjoy watching a chick flick?
                                                                     1.  John Standring
2. Harry Kennedy
3. John Porter
4. Guy of Gisborne
5. Paul Andrews
6. Ian Macalwain
7. John Thornton
8. Lucas North

List of classic chick flicks:


  1. I think Harry Kennedy would be the character most likely to watch a chick flick. Don't ask me what it would be though I'm not a "chick flick" sorta gal, I'd much rather watch John Porter shoot some poor sod to pieces (all in the best possible taste of course!)

  2. Sue, at first I wasn't even going to include Porter on the list, then recalled the poignant SB scenes when his eyes suddenly welled w/unwept tears. Decided he definitely deserves inclusion on the chick flick fact, my choice to watch one of them would be with John or Lucas. They'd probably eventually get bored & suggest more interesting interpersonal pursuits;)

  3. Well, N&S is already an ultimate chick flick in my book, Gaskell just threw in labor unrest and industrialism as a nod to Chas Dickens whom she worked and to pad out four hours of our Guy in a cravet talking things over with his adoring Mother and being rejected by his lady love!

    I would really like to see GoG character in a chick flick, maybe he could be a modern day Goth or a vampire since they sizzle right now.

  4. Yes, Judith I've read about Gaskell & Dickens working relationship & his pressure on her to quickly conclude one of her serialized stories for his newspaper. Not certain if her letters to him are included in my copy of the book, or if the details are available on a Gaskell website.

    I do remember she vehemently protested the way he insisted she must finish whichever book it was at the time. She wasn't completely satisfied w/the ending and, as I recall, told Dickens she would no longer offer her novels in serial form. Of course, her untimely death soon followed.

    Question for us is - would Mrs Gaskell, if time had permitted, written a sequel to N&S? Feel a John & Mgt poll coming on:)

    Guy would've enjoyed a chick flick, as long as he was it's star, and could growl as often as possible.

  5. Just a thought, in a way BBC Robin Hood is a chick flick, otherwise it wouldnt have inspired such deveotion. The Guy-Marian-Robin triangle is a tried and true chick-flick plot. I wonder if director Dominic Minghella was drawing on his brother Anthony's fabulously succesful and oh-so- tragic The English Patient for plot structure?

  6. Often asked myself if Minghella planned initially to lead the RH plot into such an intense Marian-Guy relationship, OR did Richard's performance lure him down that path. Perhaps female viewers' strong reaction to sexy Guy influenced plot development as the series progressed.

    All the GoG devotees managed to squeeze 2 additional seasons out of a production often ridiculed by some of those self-same RA fans. As for Spooks...would those writers dare to kill off the gorgeous goose that laid the golden egg of 3 additional series for an already seasoned TV show? 8[] Time soon will tell us the answer.
    Here's hoping our hunky spy guy stays around for at least series 10.

    BTW, last night's ep of the new series Covert Affairs was especially enjoyable. The show's blind CIA operative had quite a hot night between the return of his former lover(an expert IT hacker) & his decision to sexually pursue another female he suspected of leaking top secret intelligence. The injury to his eyes occurred during military svc in Iraq. The actor playing that role is spectacular(not RA's world-class quality, but excellent) He's so good that DH assumed the man was really visually handicapped until we saw him guest on a late night talk show.

    Will see if last night's ep is yet available on the USA website. That makes 3 hit shows this summer for that channel. They're definitely teaching the other networks how adult drama is done, after years of nothing other than boring reality shows like Dancing with the Egotists & various sci-fi fairytales. In fact the 3 new USA network series are the only ones I watch. A year ago that # was 0.

  7. Your comment on Minghella's original intent is very astute. It would seem to me that it was after the 4th episode that the cast dynamics changed from Guy as villain (exposing his child in woods) to unrequited lover of Marian. I think by then RA's sexy GoG had attracted so many female viewers that they decided to go with it.

    I am convinced that they were going to kill Marian off at the end of S1 to refocus on Robin but RA fans were legion at that point so she was miraculously spared for a 2nd season.

    Count Almasy was as culpable in Catherine's death in EP as Sir Guy was for Marians, he just didn't run her through with a sword. Almasy is horribly disfigured trying to rescue her and then dies, Guy is haunted by his actions and then dies. In the end Guy is actually more honorable than Almasy. Romeo and Juliet all over the place!!

  8. Now the shooting timeline for SB2 makes me wonder how Richard could possibly be available for Spooks10 which is scheduled to begin filming in Feb, 2011. If SB2 will air in Fall/Winter of next year, wouldn't the 10ep series begin shooting around the same time? Assuming the dates are correct, I'd say the calendar gives us the answer to 'will Lucas survive?'...:( boohoo

    Will keep focused on SAS Porter and try to not get too sentimental if luscious Lucas makes a dramatic exit. Assuming the worst scenario occurs...which female will LN find waiting for him?...a la the final ep for Robin/Marian.

    Can hear the moaning now if the writers create a similar scene & Sarah walks out of the mist into his arms. LOL ;)

  9. I think my moan will be the louder, LOL

    OML :P

  10. Would've missed your moan OML:) if not for a comment notification.

    Have you noticed any of the new posts? One asks if Richard will make a very slight hint for fans IF we must learn to live without our fav spook sometime during the 9th series. The latest one has a collage of black tie RA...take a look & let me know if you approve:) There's also the pic of an underwater newlywed suite. Would you find that romantic if you were about to marry?
