August 1, 2010

THE Promised Pic + Tied Up Package for Musa:)

Over the past 2yrs I've reacted like most red-blooded female RA fans, with strong approval - might even say in an advanced state of drool - to 99.9% of RA's photos.  But, as they say, the exception proves the rule.  Here's one (of only 3) that doesn't trigger meltdown - rather for me it's more of a 'meh' or 'take it away' :) reaction.  His expression seems so syrupy sweet, almost naive.  The one following is more my cuppa male magnificence.
Next, Musa expressed appreciation for certain pics in particular.  Here he is completely helpless ...he's all yours Musa...have at him...enjoy:)
Proving yet again the truth of  'different strokes for different folks' my first thought on seeing the above photos is "must untie him asap so he's free for other activities" ;) these:


  1. I actually agree about the top photo. I don't actually dislike it, but it's leave, rather than take.

    Musa's choices are great! There is something incredibly enticing about the bound Guy.

    Too much Sarah, not enough Lucas in the last pic.

    If you're taking requests for pics, I love pics of RA's characters feigning sleep. There's something so angelic and ethereally beautiful about him then.

  2. RicRAr!
    Thank you so much for my tree-tied gorgeous Guy...two of them!!!!!!!!!!!! I want him bound so he can't run away from me-LOL.
    Enrich, yes, couldn't agree more, perfect word - agree something enticing about Guy tied to a tree - Swoon.

  3. Official confirmation of Strike Back 2 today! Jubilation!!

  4. Yes, great news about Strike Back 2! At least now if Lucas ends up head first in the deep fat fryer he's still got John Porter to save the day!

    I wonder who will be John Porter's new boss? I loved Toby Stephens in his role, do you think John will end up punching that prize prat? (If he ever gets out of the desert!)I think the scriptwriters could do with dumping danni, she's just to doe eyed, he needs a strong woman to keep him in line!(Someone who is competent in carrying out strip searches - to make sure he's not carrying any hidden pen knives!)

  5. Layla as a character was very underused. I think she has the potential to become a love interest for Porter, as well as a strong character in her own right. As it's a 10-part series, I hope they take some time to build a backstory for him. And if they use the same writers, there are other details they need to attend to. What happens to his daughter, Alex, for example? A pity that Collinson bit the dust, as he was a worthy opponent.

  6. Notes being taken...Enrich dreams about dreaming RA characters...check.
    SB return is official--HOORAY!

    Musa's concerned he might run away if not tied...hmmmm, maybe we should have a blog seminar to discuss effective ways to make certain male appetites are satisfied at home...err,,,that is--most men enjoy char-broiled prime rib w/trimmings:)
    One of my bro-in-law's fav sayings is "why go out for hamburger when you've tenderloin at home":)

    Sue's making me nervous about Luscious Lucas:) Why can't we have our Porter and Northern delicacy as well? It's true RA is probably ready to move on after 3 seasons. His comparison between LN & JP, during SB1 interviews, made it clear he's definitely more enamored today of the kick-@$$ Ryan character.

    Sue is volunteering to strip search Porter AGAIN;)..check.

  7. Enrich2,

    I agree a few sly glances between John Porter and Layla, together with a few "interesting" storylines would spice things up a little.

    I'd like to see JP take on Toby Stephens character and wipe that self-satisfied smirk off his face.

    I never really understood why the scriptwriters wasted time killing his ex-wife off and scenes with his daughter etc. and found them boring. I liked the first two-parter of SB, which was adapted from Chris Ryan's book but the later storylines didn't pay as much attention to detail and were a bit OTT some times. Getting held up in the middle of the desert by women, for his mobile phone was funny but a bit naff. Richard and the scottish actor in that episode made a good double act though and the interaction between them was fantastic. Who said Richard couldn't do comedy? I thought he was pretty damn good with the one-liners.

  8. Who said he couldn't do comedy, Sue? All his notes to fans have been filled w/silly fun. His great sense of humor is always apparent during interviews. When asked pre-SB1 whether he'll join all the Brit actors who've dipped their toe on this side of the pond, Richard laughed & replied "is that why I'm finding work?"

    There's nothing sexier than self-deprecating humor. When is he finally going to give us a break and punch a cameraman or refuse to give an autograph to a fan? :)...that's a joke.

    I agree w/your remarks, Sue, about the wife & dau passages seeming to be almost apart from the rest of the storyline; however there was a great deal of dialogue between the Scotsman & Porter about their families, so the writers probably felt obliged to fill in the blanks in that regard.

    Wondering why Porter will be sent to the US?? What's the mission?...more importantly when will he arrive & where..haha. Want to provide him w/a fresh baked American chocolate cake. Yeah right!...well, there are many quality bakery shops along the way:P
    Although, he'd probably be more likely to eat whipped chocolate yogurt, or strawberries lightly dipped in choc.
    Making my you can see;}

  9. RA dipped in chocolate? LOL

  10. oooh're getting devilish - Richard's type of girl..."a little bit naughty";)
