July 12, 2010

Tribute to a Determined, Resilient Man Who Says 'No Tears' at Tour de France

Even though Lance tried the grueling Tour de France once too often, can't help but admire his brave face under duress.  Despite the fact he's already fallen 3Xs with 2wks to go...he's still plugging away, as he struggles with the  challenge he often made look easy peasey---small pics from yesterday's TdeF...larger pic from his glory days...
News Report: >The 38-year-old Texan finished Sunday's eighth stage so far back in 61st place that his ambitions to win an eighth Tour evaporated in the stifling heat as he dragged his battered body up mountain passes he used to glide up.

"Obviously the Tour's finished for me," Armstrong said after Luxembourg rider Andy Schleck won the stage to move just 20 seconds behind overall race leader Cadel Evans of Australia.

This chaotic Tour has been among the most dangerous in recent years, and Armstrong is more than 13 minutes behind Evans ahead of Monday's much-needed rest day.

"I have cuts everywhere," Armstrong said. "Biggest problem is the left hip, which for riding is not the best."<

More quotes today from Lance..He Tweeted:

“When it rains it pours I guess Today was not my day, needless to say. Quite banged but gonna hang in here and enjoy my last 2 weeks.”

But he is definitely trying to see the bright side!

“Obviously the Tour’s finished for me, but I can try and win stages, try and help the team,” added Armstrong. I’ll “really try and appreciate my time here..<

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