July 25, 2010

Richard Armitage: The Stayin' Alive Strut - by spookslucas

How did I miss this one until today?  RA is the gift that keeps on giving, isn't he:)  Only complaint about the following is that it's too brief - should be played on a loop for the entire song...

We can imagine Richard in place of Donny Osmond for these tangos - Donny's hot but RA would leave scorch marks on the dancefloor:)

Believe it or not, Donny has 5 - that's FIVE children and all with the same woman--his long-time wife. 


  1. Loved the RA walk and put to the Bee Gee's music Stayin' Alive was just brilliant and so apt! It was almost as if Richard was humming the tune to himself as he walked along and was about to burst into a John Travolta dance!

  2. How about the lyrics, Sue: "ya can tell by the way I use my walk..I'm a woman's man..no time to talk." My impression is he's definitely a woman's man, but one who enjoys talking about his profession - often mixed with tantalizing personal details as well. Hopefully the videographer will redo the strut for the entire song - that would be extremely satisfying...oh yeah!

  3. So cute, I would give a lot to see him dance in character! I was heartbroken that he and Marian never danced. If Thornton hadn't have been so broke that he couldn't afford live entertainment at the dinner party maybe he and Margaret would have performed a sedate spin around the dance floor.

  4. Hi Carolyn, are you the bearer of good news about Capt America? :) Hope so.

  5. judith, in one of the first scenes of Between the Sheets, Alona is on the dance floor shaking her bod for all she's worth - too bad they didn't include a similar scene when she met Paul.

    Will RA finally get a chance to dance in the promised play? Maybe one of those medieval line dances..haha..is it a minuet?

    He should participate in Dancing w/the Stars - we'd tingle w/anticipation every week...especially for the tangos.
    I'm going to post Danny Osmond's tangos and we can imagine RA in his place. Although, Donny really knows how to move and ooze sultry smolder as well. You'd never know he has 4or5 children--and endearingly all with his long-time wife.

  6. As much as I like Donny Osmond I'd much rather wrap my legs around Richard's hips - in an Argentine Tango of course!

  7. Me too, Sue:) That's why it's fun to imagine Richard instead of Donny on the dancefloor.

    Why do you suppose RA is reticent about a show like Dancing w/the Stars? Is he still uneasy about public appearances as strictly himself? His background makes him a natural as a dancing contestant, doesn't it.

    Perhaps he's concerned that type of exposure would result in dramatic role offers less to his liking. Would Sky1 have chosen him to play pistol-packing Porter if they'd already seen him w/twinkling toes on a light-hearted program like DwtS?

    Avoiding being stereotyped as basicly a hard-nosed alpha man or deeply sensitve beta male appears to be one of RA's primary professional goals.

  8. To be honest, with respect to Donny Osmond, usually the contestants are those whose careers have taken a bit of a nose-dive and need the work, at least those taking part in the shows here in England are.

    In all honesty Richard is too good for a show like this, not to mention that people may say it was unfair, given his dancing background. (He was an assistant choreographer at one time). He would be brilliant I'm sure. He's got the stance and physique to make a wonderful latin american dancer.

    I bet he's a lovely little mover!!!!

  9. Just noticed your post Sue.

    As far as Donny Osmond's career goes, he & his sister are steady fixtures at one of the Los Vegas hot spots. Probably do two shows a day for at least 6 days a week.

    Usually the few entertainers who can draw crowds all year round are given those highly compensated gigs. So, Donny is probably doing fine financially - which is a good thing considering he has such a large family to support.

    Read somewhere recently that Richard said the musical theater is only a matter of getting on stage & showing off. Sounds as though he's much more enamored with acting today.
    Maybe John Porter will break into song & dance in SB2:) haha not in a million yrs, right?
