July 5, 2010

Richard Armitage Pix + Another Role Cast for GoT + GOT Around the World

It seems everyone in the UK is being cast except you know who:(   Not yet giving up hope ...always darkest before the dawn...Besides, there are many more roles to fill.  Fingers, toes, eyes crossed...

>July 05, 2010  -  Samwell Tarly Cast

According to this report, John Bradley-West—a recent graduate of the Manchester Metropolitan University’s School of Theatre, has been cast in the role of Samwell Tarly. He landed the part as his first audition after graduation, and is set to join the production in mid-August.<

Artist Amok's Samwell Tarly

Elder son of Lord Randyll Tarly.

As a child, Sam was always more interested in books than in combat, which did not sit well with his father. When a second son, Dickon, was born, Sam was given the choice of joining the Night's Watch or dying in a "hunting accident." When he arrived at Castle Black, Ser Alliser Thorne took an immediate dislike to him and ordered the other trainees to attack him mercilessly. Jon Snow intervened to stop them and, realizing that Sam would be seriously hurt or killed if this continued, convinced the other trainees not to attack him during practice, becoming friends with Sam in the process.  When Jon was elevated to the Watch, he realized that Sam was in danger of harm again and pleaded with Maester Aemon to have Sam promoted to work as his assistant since he was good with numbers and animals. Sam was raised to the Watch at the same time as Jon and became a steward and Maester Aemon's assistant.
Geo Martin commented in Apr, on his 'not a blog' website, about the availability worldwide of GoT...

>Apr. 9th, 2010:   Winter is Coming…Around the Globe

I've received a lot of emails from readers outside the United States, asking if the GAME OF THRONES television series will be shown in their countries.

The answer to that is complicated, and depends in large part on the country.

HBO does have a number of branches, partners, subsidiaries, and affiliates abroad, who take all of their programming. All of those will be showing the series.

In Canada, the show will be seen on HBO Canada, same days and times as in the US.

In Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Peru, and Chile, the series will be shown on HBO Latin America, though days and times may vary.

In France, GAME OF THRONES will be shown on Orange.

In Israel, on DBS.

HBO Central Europe will offer the series in Poland, Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Czech Republic.

HBO Asia will offer the series to the countries in their territories, though which ones will pick it up and when they will show it remains to be confirmed. There may be content questions in some Asian markets.

In some of these countries, HBO is a premium channel, as in the United States. You have to sign up and subscribe to it (and pay for it), it is not one of the channels you get for free just by turning on your television.

As for the countries not listed here... next week in Cannes there will be a huge television trade show attended by broadcasters and program directors from stations all around the globe. HBO will be there, screening its new shows and selling them. GAME OF THRONES will be one of the series whose rights will be on offer. In a few more weeks we should know which countries bought the series... and which did not. Let's hope your favorite station is one of those to pick it up.<

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