July 2, 2010

Lucas' Phantom Assistant & RA as Lucas North in 'Spy Game' by manipenni05

Case Open:  retweets at twitter indicate Spooks will be filming on Jul 12th at a specific location ...this phantom asst to LN will not give exact location in order to not cause a traffic jam for Londoners in that area;)  Have already spotted tweets from females asking others if they're up for taking a peek on that day...if only the pond did not continue to be such a challenge. *sigh*

Having taken a look at google maps of the identified area for Spooks filming was amused to find street names w/certain linkage (albeit a few are a stretch) to GoG, such as....'Leathermarket St' ..HA!....unbelievably 'Guy St'..haha..Abbey St...Druid St.  This last one has nothing to do w/Mr Gisborne.  It was identified as one of my 19thC Notts surnames - 'Maltby' St...hmmm, need to do some sleuthing to see why a London thorofare was named Maltby (probably a former PM or MP..we'll see)

Spooks9 - 'won't be long now' said the moggie when it's tail was caught in the stormdoor.  Time to remind ourselves why we watch..;)


  1. I'm constantly on Armitage alert and I live in Norway! Filming here would be rather expensive so it would have to be as himself. Hoping that he'll get away for a quiet break, no-one will recognise him except me who offers to show him around! Then we discover a shared love of food, books, a sense of humour and naughtiness .... Mmmm! What'll I do with OH, then?

  2. Enrich2, first--good to see you're still alive..was starting to get worried;)

    Next, we'll manage to handle the hubby challenge IF opportunity ever knocks, won't we.

    That's one of the reasons why virtual encounters & dreams are the perfect solution, although not always at our,,err,,,fingertips when wanted.

    Isn't that an intrinsic part of the charm of a RL romance as well. The 'hard to get' factor exponentially increases the yearning factor. Quick flashback to JT's smoldering stare at Mgt as she climbed the long flight of steps. *suddenly need a cool beverage*

  3. We're on holiday and the sun's been shining for many days so I've spent my time doing summer activities. I will pop in occasionally throughout the break.
