July 28, 2010

Good Morning John Porter! -- he's back...Yippee!

Why are we crazy about lovable, sweet *cough* Mr. Porter?....let's count a few ways...

1.  The actor occupying his body...(isn't it supposed to be the other way around?)
2) We enjoy trying to interpret the hand signals from said actor.  Is that an authentic knuckle gouge?...any volunteers to kiss it and make it better...Queue up:)
3) Warm feelings about hot men sitting next to powerful black machines...which motor would we rather get humming first?;)
4) Laser-beam focus...hmmm, what could be so interesting?  Is it the lunch sandwich menu?..
Game of Thrones in UK news
For those wondering if HBO's Game of Thrones will be broadcast in the UK.  Here's the answer via the Westeros twitter site and The Guardian newspaper..

TWEET: westerosorg BSkyB to Broadcast Game of Thrones in UK: Via the Guardian, we learn that Rupert Murdoch’s BskyB has... http://bit.ly/9MThnh #gameofthrones about 2 hours ago

July 28, 2010  -  From The Guardian:

>BSkyB to Broadcast Game of Thrones in UK

Via the Guardian, we learn that Rupert Murdoch’s BskyB has bought exclusive U.K. broadcasting rights to HBO’s programming, including their archives and all forthcoming programming. According to the report, this is a 5 year agreement worth £150 million.<

[Detective Ricrar wonders if this new development will make a role in GoT/season 2 a stronger possibility for RA.  Afterall, Strike Back is financed by Sky1.....fingers and other assorted body parts crossed for luck.]


  1. Great point about Sky RicRAr and a role in GOT! I think we should keep up the Stannis-Richard suggestion going, a little reminder once in a while on the GoT sites - LOL

  2. That's a good idea, Musa...do you have any suggestions how we could incorporate a role that won't appear until season 2 into grrm's current conversation?

    Geo always seems ready to talk merchandising (wise capitalist that he is:) Stannis' ships had defeated his brother's enemies, therefore, doesn't his action figure deserve to be included for S1?

    The younger bro learns early on the 'truth' re the twincests, so that fact makes him an integral part of Vol I's storyline. He's definitely there in spirit if not in person. Perhaps the opportunity will arise to inject that thought at the writer's 'not a blog'??

    We could link to a John Porter youtube scene showing RA's skill at portraying a personality trait shared by the 2 characters...which one? hmmmm

    The former smolders with righteous indignation at Drangonstone, while JP acts out the same emotion in ep 1, SB - when he forcefully reminds a civilian that some of his comrades died fighting to protect their freedoms.
    Powerful scene--we'll need to wait for the appropriate opportunity to present the link. If that one is not available, is there another scene that serves the same purpose?

  3. I'll have to think about another good scene of Richard's that's Stannis like:) When reading about Stannis I always thing of Gisborne, all the resentment at real and imagined wrongs between these two characters. But yes, Stannis is certainly mentioned quite a bit in book 1, or now Episode One.

  4. Guy expressing resentment at real & imagined wrongs...at least half those outbursts were towards Marian(usually not imagined:) Of course, in RH3 the targets were his sister & Vasey.

    Remember when he tossed furniture around his tent during a temper tantrum. And when he pinned Vasey to the castle table. Last one is a good example of the results of Stannis-like intense brooding & righteous indignation. I'll see if a link is available to that scene, whenever a discussion surfaces re S2 casting.
