June 12, 2010

By Request: Best Looking Guy in Shorts Anywhere - although Landon Donovan is kinda cute too:)

Learned more about soccer watching this afternoon's World Cup game than ever before.  Both teams, USA & UK, are filled with hotties:)  You can see how seriously I take sports - not very.  Bringing sexy legs(& thighs) back...
Look at the original owner of Guy & Lucas' crooked smiles - Ian...


  1. Lovely to see Richard as Ian in Ultimate Force playing rugby, not soccer! I tried to clear up the misunderstanding earlier.

    It's considered a game for really tough men. You should see how some of the older rugby players look, with missing teeth and cauliflower ears! These days they must protect themselves better, even though you can't see visible protection, as the younger players are very much prettier (not a patch on RA, I hasten to add)!

  2. Sorry, obviously this American girl can't discern rugby from soccer but the RA in shorts pics are yummy now matter what he is playing.

    Adorable smiles *_*

  3. @ judithj1: Your smiles are indeed adorable so you're forgiven!

    I agree that RA is *scrummy* in whatever he wears, but also shorts. I've never examined a man I don't know in such detail before. No wonder he's running scared, lol!

    *scrum*: a rugby term (sorry, too good to pass up!)

  4. Love the crooked smile comparison!
    *scrum-tious* pics!

  5. haha enjoying your remarks ladies...

    Enrich, thx for the rugby details. Sounds as though it's as brutal a sport as hockey. Our football games would result in major injuries if not for the heavy protective padding. As it is, despite the gear, there are often broken bones, etc.

    Judith, have you ever seen RA in a speedo? If not, be prepared for sizzling meltdown.

    Tyme4T, you beat me to the 'short for scrumptious' comment:)

    Learned more about soccer yesterday than ever before. The 'draw' conclusion was a bit disappointing. Wouldn't a 'sudden death' option be more satisfying? Believe US football at one time also had the 'ended in a tie' result, BUT evolved into playing until one team scores thereby inflicting 'sudden death'. All the players looked so exhausted at the end of the game - they fought tooth & nail on both sides. Many US sports websites started their comments with 'in the most exciting engagement between Brits & Yanks since 1776':)

    BTW, the apparent tradition of ripping off their wet t-shirts at the end of the match is definitely my fav part of soccer:) Who would've thought....lol

  6. I think we're a lot more patient or perhaps slow in Europe as we still tolerate football (soccer) games that end in a draw. It's only in the final the teams will play sudden death (15 minutes per side of pitch, if you understand) then it goes to a penalty shoot-out, which is actually very nerve-wracking for all and to be avoided at all costs. I actually only really like the beginning, scoring and end of matches.

    Cricket's even worse as an "over" (an innings) can be played over several days. Boyfriend before hubby was a staunch fan, both tv and real matches - oh, yawn!

  7. Let me see if I get this right:
    Soccer players have great bums and use black and white balls.
    Rugby players have great legs and use white balls.
    Cricket players wear white outfits and it is a boring protracted sport.
    When "Flirty girty" Guy wears a Speedo who resist his scrum-tiousness?

  8. Guy of Gisborne in a speedo - oooooh, what a visual image that triggered:)

    Lee is the speedo prince, judith. Will post a few 'Cold Feet' pics this week. Everytime I see them, my first thought is..."didn't the budget provide enough to buy the man a jock strap? haha Then again, maybe he did wear one and found himself in the same predicament we're in when we wear a bra a size too small - our cup runneth over;)
