May 5, 2010

New RA Photos - Thanks for the tip, Sue...also Romantic RA Interview Quotes

The following gorgeous pics have to signal RA's arrival at the summit of UK entertainment out world - here he comes! He's leaving the Radio One Studios..tentative expression seems to reveal some hesitation about this new level of celebrity coverage.  Most likely his hectic interview schedule didn't really allow a free moment...

Photographer was gifted w/a sweet, gracious smile...

Someone hand the man a sandwich...SB promotion is taking it's toll.  Is this the new Spooks9 costume or, as Sue suggested, did he use a motorbike to get efficiently around London...
If his fans send him a new briefcase, you know it will be wasteful...he's obviously the kind of bloke:) who relishes aged leather and, as Sue stated, could easily own the one above since LAMDA..
Apparently the topic is on his mind...
Strike Back star Richard Armitage full of romantic ideas

By Tim Oglethorpe 5/05/2010
The Mirror

There's no sign of eligible bachelor Richard Armitage tying the knot just yet, but his macho performance in new show Strike Back hasn't completely obliterated his romantic side.

"I got ideas on how to propose when I played Geraldine's husband-to-be in The Vicar Of Dibley, so I might put one into practice," says Richard, 38, who plays SAS rebel John Porter in the drama, starting on Sky One tonight.
Second quote comes to us via Enrich2's comment re Richard's reference to Katie Dartmouth in today's Digital Spy article..."their's is a love affair, though not based on physical attraction, a trancendental thing because of what they've been through together." 
Ahhh, lovely.  Wonder if Orla agrees w/his remark.  If she read those words would she think to herself - "speak for yourself John";)


  1. He's certainly looking quite lean, but I suppose SB-filming is sometime in the past. His clothes are snug-fitting, though I'm not complaining. I love the battered briefcase, which looks precariously full! Perhaps his plans for Richard 111 are safely tucked in there, ready to be trundled around on his day off?

  2. Knowing RA's work ethic, he probably has 2 or 3 scripts in the briefcase to read as he's chauffeured to the next interview. Of couse, if the leather jacket/jean signal a motorbike mode of transportation, it could get tricky while scanning a script;) Perhaps London traffic was light &'l joke..micro.

    The SB hours approacheth--will there be a national hurrah! by 10pm? Wonder what type of programming it's up against. That can make a huge difference in audience size.

  3. Waiting for SB feels like the run-up to something momentous! I've indulged myself shamelessly, reading and watching all the interviews and trailers, although I have a lot on in terms of work at the mo.
    It's been so heavily publicised and covered in the UK press, I'll be suprised if anyone watches anything else if they have Sky1.

    I have almost finished the book. It's a cracking read, but what has really kept me going has been imagining Richard in the role. Don't you think what he says in today's Digital Spy article about Porter's relationship with Katie Dartmouth is so sweet, "a love affair, though one not based on physical attraction, a trancendental thing ... because of what they've been through together"?

    Come to think of it, most of what he says is either thought-provoking and/ or scrumptious!

    And what about what he reveals about my lovely Lucas. Gah, can't wait for Spooks 9 now!

  4. 20min to go assuming UK is still 5hrs later than US east coast.

    Richard said he'd only received 3pages of SB dialogue to read when he had to make the decision to accept/refuse the role. The fact it was written by someone who'd experienced much of the action first hand seemed to be a strong motivator to give it the nod.

    Yes, RA's description of his relationship w/Katie is a heartwarming one. He takes no pity on our condition whatsoever, does he? Why can't the man kick a cat or get drunk once in awhile;) instead of making our obsession even stronger everytime he opens his mouth..hahaha...we'll survive and thrive;)

  5. I wish I could have watched last night's episodes of Strike Back. I've just been reading some of the reviews which seem to give it the thumbs-up (not that I ever take a blind bit of notice of critics anyway!)

    Apparently Richard/John has to secrete a pen knife about his person in a condom in one scene! (I just hope he remembered to close the blade first!Could prove painful otherwise!Especially it it's a swiss army knife!). Mind you I remember Ross Kemp in Ultimate Force having to undergo a rather "intimate" examination in order to rule that possiblility out. Obviously the baddies aren't as thorough in Strike Back.

    I hate how critics/commentators always assume that only men like these kind of shows. Surely I can't be the only woman with a healthy appetite for action packed films with lots of blood and gore? Am I?)I'm proud to say that I come from a long line of women who used to love watching all-in wrestling and boxing, not to mention good old John Wayne in the odd western. Don't tell me I'm the only woman who dreams about Richard running towards her, weapon in hand?

    By the way there was an advert for Strike Back and a big football game which for some strange reason Sky had decided to show at the same time as each other(who's barmy idea was that?). I'm guessing most men would watch the big match surely? Never mind, us ladies will no doubt be bringing up the rear (don't need to say who's rear I'm referring to either!)

  6. I understand SB will repeat often - wonder how an accurate gauge of audience size is determined under those circumstances? As you say, many sportsfans would plan to watch the game & catch the drama another evening. Of course, if plans for another SB series is announced, we'll know it was a huge success. How could it not be with 'you know who' in the lead?
    Need to post a few more pics...any excuse will do;)
