April 30, 2010

Richard Armitage: Reader's Digest Interview

Wonder why the following part of Jane Dickson's interview in Readers Digest is my favorite;)...
Did you get the feeling, after reading it, that she had in the process 'fallen’ (in our sense of the word) for Richard? That impression struck me after reading her last paragraph below.

Thanks to Enrich2 for pointing out the article which is generously provided in it's entirety for all to read at http://www.richardarmitageonline.com/articles/ReadersDigest201005.html


  1. A most enjoyable and in-depth piece. It seems obvious in most of the articles I have read that the female journalists are "stirred" by Richard! If you check out the Strike Back homepage , they describe him as "the sexy leading man" and give him pride of place.

    Perhaps his wish to act in the States won't be far off after this vast and positive exposure?

  2. Didn't Jane make many interesting assessments of Richard, Enrich2? (Feel a poll coming on;) Quite a few of her words did appear to indicate 'stirred' feelings. Poor thing(not really:) is probably watching RA vids on youtube as we type. Funny mental picture.

    Richard's remark that there's "a limited amount of work" at home indicates why he's open to the idea of testing the water over here. Although, in today's small world it would make little difference to his British fans. It's only a matter of a brief flight and American entertainers already appear on UK shows, like Jonathan Ross, as often as they do at home. No doubt it'd be a similar situation for RA.

    Question is, would he be as stealth in the future about NOT appearing on talk shows as he has been to this point in his career? Or, has he grown into a more confident attitude on that front, along with "growing into his face."(his recent comment)

  3. I think this is one of the best interviews ever with RA!
    *berserking* new favourite word - think it describes what the whole RA frenzy / army / fangurl thing is...we are all fairly "normal" women in our RL - but put us all together chatting & blogging & posting pics and the "berserking* happily begins!

  4. Tyme & Enrich,
    Don't you love the way Richard compared his personality with what he perceives Richard III's to have been - "I like the idea of someone who isn't ambitious, but gets put on a fast track to the crown and almost finds himself there against his instincts. I feel that, in a way, I have a similar temperament."

    Although Richard admitted in another recent interview that he felt personal pressure to compete with his co-star while filming SB, he said words to the effect "if he jumped 3ft - I jumped 4". So, apparently Mr artiste/musician has a few competitive bones in his body as well;) Whatever the exact formula, it's definitely a heady mix.

  5. I think he's definitely more at ease in interviews than he was 3-5 years ago. Like acting,or public speaking/delivering presentations -it's rather a bit of practice,and familiarity with audiences.

  6. Yes judith, his remark that confidence is 'manufactured' seems to indicate RA is coming to terms w/future demands for more tv interviews. Appearing on stage in a comedy could help seal his more adventurous attitude towards public exposure.
