April 14, 2010

Pet's New Pet: You've Chosen His 4-legged Friend...Time to Pick it's Name (see poll)

You've chosen the Black Russian Terrier as his new furry friend.  Don't they look sympatico together...

Upcoming poll will ask you to choose the lucky canine's name;)


  1. Smirnof!!! LOL
    I once had a cat named Whiskey :D (actually it was Whiskers but he liked his liqueur :)
    self-impose picture prohibition forbids me to make you a dyed-black Irish setter pic but I promise I will!!!

  2. Smirnoff is perfect as vodka is Richard's favourite tipple and the name recalls Lucas' Russian connection.

  3. AND, didn't Richard do a voiceover for a Smirnoff ad? Checked his agent's website and found many others by RA but not Smirnoff?? Would almost swear I'd heard it there a few mos back.

    My niece's new puppy is a black scotty dog named Ralph. Not nearly as dignified as Smirnoff - although Vlad is currently gaining in the poll. The waggy-tailed Vladimir would no doubt be more trustworthy than..uh..never mind;) Can't resist getting political around that particular name.
