April 7, 2010

A Pet for Pet? Which Will It Be?

If RA has a canine pet, which of the following is it more likely to be? (see poll)
                                                       1. Black Russian Terrier?

2. English Toy Spaniel?

3. Irish Wolfhound?

4.  Pug?

5. Yorkshire Terrier?

Maybe it will help everyone decide by seeing again the 'puppy dog' eyes that inspired this poll...
Came across another...


  1. Oh I love this question. I started a thread once on a forum about what kind of pet Richard would choose and then added the comment "I wouldn't mind curling up on his lap myself". Of course I was severely castigated for daring to say such a thing about the dashing Richard!

    Actually I think Richard looks more of a moggie (cat) kind of guy.

    As for dogs well they say owners usually choose dogs with similar attributes. I suppose he may choose a pit-bull terrier if he's feeling a little like Sir Guy.

    Maybe a labrador or redsetter kind of dog would suit him best I think. They are reknowned for being friendly, good-termpered and have beautiful soulful eyes and shiny coats!(As for having a wet nose, I couldn't possibly say! Wouldn't mind finding out though!)I certainly don't think a puny little dog or something poodle-like would suit him, although you can never quite tell.

  2. great idea, and thanks for a reminder.. I knew I had forgotten something :D
    waaaays back I wanted to make a wallpaper with Guy and his two best friends, a black Frisian stallion and a black (Irish) setter :D
    even found all the necessary pics.. and then got distrated by shiny thing.
    I've never really thought about RA having a pet (somehow don't see him as a cat person though) but Guy and Lucas don't seem to have friends ... and are not exactly lucky in love either :D so a little companion wouldn't go amiss...
    runs off with yet another idea that'll be forgotten.. fish!!! For Guy. At least they don't talk back :P

  3. Maybe a "Great Irish Wolf-Hound" would suit Richard? I once had to look after one for the weekend while someone was away and it totally took over the house! It was enormous, completely mad and insisted on jumping full length on top of me while I was in bed and licking my face. (Now if only Richard.............)

    As Richard seems hell bent on working himself to death I don't think he's got time to have a pet otherwise it would end up in kennels all the time. (Assuming it's a dog that is, not a goldfish!). Maybe he should have one of those pretend toy pets that you have to look after then if he forgot or was away filming nothing would actually die of starvation? I wonder if he had any pets when he was a kid? I had rabbits when I was a kid, also a tortoise, a dog, goldfish and even some nutes once, nothing exotic though and my dad hated cats so I had to wait until I had my own house before I could have a cat for a pet.

  4. LOL - Tamagotchi!! that's the PerfectPet for him :D
    that what I was going to say until I found this.
    I'm still torn between a whiplash-inducing head-shake and hysterical laughter. Or at least a great giggle.
    nice photoshop but aaawwwh the poor creature ...

  5. Hi ladies, love all your comments and opinions re a pet for our puppy-eyed pet actor.

    Why the word 'moggie' for a cat Sue? Is it from a language other than English?--never heard it before.

    Growing up we always had both a dog and cat in the house. Somehow they never seemed to get along, and one of the funniest memories is mother desperately chasing after the dog who was in the determined process of trying to catch the cat--mom always managed to save the frazzled kittycat. One of the felines was called 'squeezey' due to the fact my younger sister could not pick it up without almost squeezing the stuffings out of it.

    TeeTotallyNot, you mentioned a black Irish setter, thought that breed came only in red?...perhaps because that's the one most often seen in the USA(it's very popular here). The tiny compact pug has become equally as popular in recent yrs.

    My vote went to the Irish wolfhound because of the large size - thought a man of RA's stature would look best walking a dog in proportion to his height.(he could almost ride it;) If his home has a decent-sized garden, the 4-legged Higgins(N&S)/Finan(LOTN) would have room to run:) However, as one of you mentioned, Richard's necessity for frequent travel would probably make a smaller breed more practical. Far easier to transport a toy spaniel or Yorkshire terrier if he likes that option.

    Wasn't it nice of us to sort out all the pet details for RA--he's so lucky to have us. LOL ;)

  6. Ricrar,

    The word "moggie" is commonly used for cat here in the North of England it's just a colloquial thing I think, just slang.

    I could well imagine Guy having an Irish Wolf Hount as his loyal companion, a very fierce one that he would set on the poor peasants of Nottingham. It's amazing how often you see these huge macho men walking puny little sausage type dogs and they look absolutely ridiculous! So Richard would definitely have to have a pet as large and muscular as himself (with a shiny coat as well of course!).

  7. they do only come in red.. that's why it would have been the one I'd have chosen for myself .. had I ever really toyed with the idea of getting a pooch.
    They can be dyed though :D .. you'll see, one day I'll breed one..
    Irish wolfshound sounds good too (I've even thought about a lone black timberwolf.. beautiful creatures...)

  8. Sue, use of the word 'moggie' for a cat has me fascinated. Wonder if at one time almost everyone in that area named their pet cat 'Maggie' and with repetition over a couple centuries it developed into the general reference moggie? Common usage has often transformed simple words into unrecognizable forms.

    It's amazing how helpful my RA obsession has proven to be for family history research. One of the strongest hints I've heard was while watching 'Between the Sheets'. It was the 4 dinner friends greeting each other with 'hiya'. My jaw almost fell with shock & surprise. LOL I'd heard that word on a daily basis while growing up, and had always assumed it was this region's exclusive colloquialism:) The clues tell all.

    TTN, are you suggesting Richard could take his Irish setter for a 'dye job' whenever he's due for a touch up. Funny visual image;)

    The adorable man should drop the coal black hair charade - we'd continue to drool once those honey-coated sounds started to emanate from that sexy stubble-covered throat...no matter what the stubble color, wouldn't we?:)

  9. I was more thinking along the lines of graphic dye jobs but your idea has me laughing alreet.
    And I actually quite like him with black hair but whatever he chooses or the role demands is totally fine by me. I'm not THAT superficial :D
    (not sure if I wouldn't draw the line at a bald head though :)

  10. I would choose Black Russian Terrier because I found them very much friendly and well behaved. It's easy to keep them dry and clean their potty.
