April 24, 2010

North and South Poll - Vote for the Best Scene...

As a visual introduction to the next blogPoll--TTN's lovely signature 'dear John'...

1. First Fluff..

                                                          2. Thornton Dinner Party
3. "..as much as I would like to play the over-bearing master.."

4. Steamy Tea Time

5. Proposal-Rejection

6. "..think I love her more than ever"...

7. 'Corner'ing the market on eyes filled w/unrequited love..

8. Street Smolder.....(see tip of Margaret's bonnet brim)

9. "look back at me..."

10. "coming home with me?"..


  1. Oh my God!! It's so hard to choose...

  2. Hi Eliza, I've already thought of another great scene I've overlooked. Seems as long as JT was in it, it was unforgettable;)

  3. Seriously, you want us to pick 1?!?!?
    Can we not have multiple (10?) answers?
    I'll have to flip a coin... back later :D

  4. haha...no easy out this time TTN - it is decision time. Similar to asking parents to choose their fav child except this time, thankfully, no one's self-image will be scarred for life after we make the decision;)
