April 26, 2010

North and South by TheRamelia in Poland

This is definitely a multi-cultural venture - love the blend.  N&S would've looked like this in early1900s - not quite so smooth:)


  1. I'm glad you like my movie. I see that you love North and South, like me:)

  2. Hi TheRamelia :)
    When I first watched your N&S video, couldn't help thinking what a beautiful blend of cultures you'd created. Your Polish visual creativity, spectacular British drama and one of America's icons singing a beautifully romantic song. Great job! Everyone who participates here loves North and South. Look at some of the older pages on this blog (see bottom of this page) OR use the 'chocolate choices' on the sidebar to see more photos and posts about N&S.

    Don't forget to vote in the polls - For the next one, I'll think of a question about N&S as a warm welcome to you to the blog;)

  3. @TheRamelia: a beautiful video. Interesting, the way b/w photography can focus on facial structure and expression.

    Thank you bringing this one to our attention, Nat.
