April 22, 2010

John Thornton: Who's Your Fav Mill Master? (see poll)

Well, Lucas & Guy have had the spotlight for the past few days, but we can't forget the smoldering dude who set female hearts on fire in the first place.  Which group of the following pics makes your pulse twirl like a spinning jenny?...
                                               1.  TDH - Tall, Dark & Hannah's boy...

2. Yearning, burning..

3. Look back at me..


  1. tyme4t, mine is the very last - that furtive peek he stole of Margaret has to be one of the most seductive, stirring glances in cinematic history.

    We neeeeeed a sequel to N&S, don't we;)

  2. don't do that to me at 2am :D
    can we not have all 3? http://i973.photobucket.com/albums/ae211/TygerMag/ta-RA/dear-JohnT-sig.jpg

  3. @ricrar - seriously cannot choose! every time I "decide" on one - I think hmmm but look at this one...
    ok...it's just a poll...no one gets hurt when I decide on one...in the big picture of life this is very silly...it doesn't matter what I choose...ok...here I go...almost decided...nope...not yet...more staring and swooning needed

    @TTN...it's gonna be a late night!

  4. U omitted my favorite mill master scene when he first strides through the cotton storm.

  5. Sometimes you just gotta make a list of pros & cons...well in this case pro & more pro

    1a. - little blurry - but clearly outstanding
    1b. - it's that hint of a smile *swoon*

    2a. - the closer the better!!!!
    2b. - the hint of smile & close up *swooooon & faint*

    3a. - 2nd favourite scene in entire movie *swoon with tears*
    3b. - there is that smile again

    voted yearning, burning b/c overall favourite is 2b...now off to dream land!

  6. Hi everyone, obviously our fav mill master has not been around here often enough. We still have a week to go before John Porter captures our hearts & minds so -- Judith, the floating cotton fluff scene will shortly make an appearance.
    In fact, all of you have given me the next poll idea - "Which was your fav N&S scene"? Will need to gather the selection of photos...what a hardship! ..as Daniella said about kissing Richard all afternoon - it's a tough job but someone has to do it. haha Great to see JT's magic can still turn a group of adult women into giggling, swooning teens;)

  7. I'm not giggling.. rather yawning. Not your or JT's fault though.. it's 4.25am by now (tyme_4_t - you were sooo right :D)
    I shudder at the thought of having to pick ONE scene.. might stay away from that poll.
    Will definitely volunteer to re-watch all 4 parts though and provide pictures... some time next year, when I'm done ooooohing, aaaaaaawwwwwwwwhing, squeeeeeing, drooling and dreaming :D
    thanks for making my life so much more pleasant :D
