April 1, 2010

Easter Greeting from TeeTotallyNot & a Lovelace Lookalike for Pt 4 as Well!

Sincere thanks to TeeTotallyNot for her amusingly clever Easter greeting to her fellow RA admirers AND also for what has to be a Lovelace double - keep it in mind while we listen to the conclusion of Clarissa on Easter Sunday...


  1. RA really looks quite devious and conniving in his Lovelace get-up. Poor Clarissa stood absolutely no chance. Will be listening to the last part this Sunday, although I have seen the Sean Bean version prior to the radio play.

  2. No wonder Ros is smiling in TeeTotallyNot's clever take on Dangerous Liaisons - she's filling out her bodice far better than Sarah. HA! If the Sarah character were actually played by an authentic American, it's highly doubtful that would've been the case;)

    The large volume of liquid vitamins we pump into our newborns might have something to do with all the well-endowed female chests in my family OR perhaps it's all in the DNA and explains one of the reasons for our survival to this point in 2010. LOL

  3. :D
    thanks for exposing them :D..I'm actually busy with tons of Lucas /Lovelace/GoG/Thornton funny Easter treats... here, there or elsewhere over the next 3 days....
    Clarissa conclusion will be the highlight of my weekend, even tho I know how the story ends...
    BTW - may I borrow the delicious Chocolate waffle pic - ties in nicely with a project I've had in mind for a while. you'll see it here first :D
    till then - Happy Easter :D

  4. Help yourself to the chocolate bath foam TTN - found it at the Sky website. Sounds as though you have a fun wkend planned...we look forward to seeing your project:) Enjoy!
