February 24, 2010

Richard Armitage as Lucas North: Mr. Best Dressed

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  1. Ricrar,

    It looks like we will get to see Richard in Spooks again as the United Agent's website has been updated to say that he is now filming Spooks 9!

    The DVD of Strike Back is also available for pre order (comes out 14th June 2010) on Amazon or Play.com

    The link to Play.com is:


    Here's the link for Amazon:

    http://www.amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Ddvd&fi eld-keywords=STRIKE+BACK&x=8&y=19

    Looks like the RA drought is about to be well and truly broken. Oh am I thirsty!!!

  2. Hi Sue, just noticed your comment:)

    Yes, I saw the Strike Back news on Nat's blog and then tried to pre-order at Play.com but they're not accepting US orders. Therefore I was very pleased to find amazon.uk taking orders as well.

    Both hubby & I have read SB, so it will be a nice surprise for him--he does not yet realize his buddy 'Gisborne' has already brought John Porter to life.

    The Olympics interrupted our viewing of Spooks 8 - we've 4 eps to go. Ep 4 was the last we watched together...if you recall, that's the one where Lucas made his female fans very happy;) Warned DH prior to that scene with "you're about to get to know Lucas North better than you ever expected." His reaction was "oh...no thanks." hahaha Otherwise, he's really enjoying the show.

    Sincere thx for the Spooks 9 news as well. Wonder if there'll be any RA sightings this time. Hope residents in the North are on Richard-watch alert?:)
