February 14, 2010

Dancing with the Star Poll: How Can we Refuse His Invitation? - Get Your Dancing Shoes On...

Which will it be - Waltz, Tango or Macarena?

The Waltz - surely we could follow his lead for this one…the male prototype does reach RA’s thin-air stature although not nearly as HOT…

WooHoo! Now we’re talking….we’re looking rather good in both examples, right? LOL

The Tango - can’t believe my example is in the form of Al Pacino whose movies I’ve avoided like the plague for many yrs, due to their usually ugly, violent content. Just viewed the following scene for the first time, and must say it’s one of the few times Mr Pacino was actually worth watching. If RA is as considerate of our beginner status (ever the gentleman, there’s no doubt he would be) in dancing the tango, this is another one where we could probably follow his steps with ease. (p.s. the actress in this scene looks like a younger version of the current co-star of the hit show ‘Burn Notice’ starring Jeffrey Donovan, whose character’s name is indeed Michael.)

Nice! Doesn’t take much stretch of the imagination to envision RA as one of the following tango dancers - might be somewhat of a challenge for us though to keep up…but enjoyable to try.

The Macarena - This is another one where we’ve a chance to keep the appointment w/RA on the dance floor, and manage to keep our self respect intact as well. Simply memorize the dance steps and you are there - imagine Richard standing along side and behind as we gyrate together to the beat. Having somehow mustered the courage to do it a few yrs back in front of a dining room filled w/at least 200 people - trust me, it’s definitely doable (a little liquid courage in the form of a mojito never hurts to get you out there on the dance floor:) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wnNhz0k_Qjg&feature=related
Male macarena instructor...

Bring on your fancy footwork RA - we are ready to shake it, shake it with you, as requested. Ha!…sweet dreams are made of this…

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