December 9, 2009


I think this is so cute. Sorry it took me so long to post, ricrar!


  1. Thank you armitage admirer - you're the blog's techie guru:) Won't it be wonderful to one day see RA in a light-hearted musical comedy where he can cut loose and demonstrate his smoothest moves. Really looking forward to his Argentine tango....*wibble wobble*

  2. Love this avatar! According to Charleybrown's blog, Enchanted Serenity of Period Films, (where she has it posted as well) it was created by Bluecabochon.
    As I commented there, I wish some clever "techie guru" would set it to music. Hmmm? Can it even be done? Richard needs some music to really get his groove on! I long to see him in a musical! Heck, if Johnny Depp can do it, anyone can!
    He was born to play in a musical! Give him a few more years and he could play the Captain in a remake of the Sound of Music. He's better looking than Christopher Plummer and I'll bet anything he's a better singer!! Plays the cello too! ***swooning***

  3. I would totally go nuts if i saw him sing and dance!!!!!! Just thinking about it makes me want to jump up and down and squeal.

    Too bad i don't like musicals. So maybe just the dancing.

  4. I don't usually like musicals, but RA could make one a feast for the eyes, ears and heart - in his own inimitable way.

  5. @phylly3, Sound of Music? I never thought of that, but you are onto something....the role of the captain has this seriousness to it that we already know RA can deliver on based on his N&S performance, and as for the singing, how can anyone have any doubts after hearing him speak? Any suggestions as to who should play Maria?

  6. twinklingmoon, could you answer a question for me please? Can you use the music player in the upper right hand corner to select dancing music for Richard? I'm not certain if readers have that ability or not. Also, are you referring to 'the captain' and Maria in The Sound of Music? I really love the musical soundtrack from that film.

  7. I don't get how this was made. Was he in a show that I missed? Was his head pasted on someone elses's dancing body? Was it just a crazy photo shoot?

  8. @phylly3 - mesandraeth of the armitage army @ richardarmitagecentral did this very thing as a screensaver and set it to music a few years ago! it was v.v.funny!
