September 21, 2015

Richard Armitage:Audiobook of 2014 Award + In Anticipation of Spy Dan Meyer--Article Explains History of Berlin Graffiti + EW Article + Upcoming David Copperfield Narration + TV Series Berlin Station Production Starts Nov

RA received "Audible audiobook of 2014" award for his Hamlet narration
Narration completed. Yippee!..

(agent Daniel Meyer spies with his little eye...)
TWEET Trivia: Thanks to friend Fabo for passing along following article which explains the history of RA's most recent tweet. It's by one of Berlin's famous graffiti artists..
Tweet was sent to what RA referred to as Berlin Station dream team..
Doubt we'll see agent Meyer in any herringbone tweed:D 3pc suits..
Proving pinstripes can be hottest of all...
oops! Scott did he slip in here *cough*...

The EW Community's top 7 summer MVPs

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