August 23, 2013

Richard Armitage:Musical Interlude(see Chopin's very own piano in vid below) + TWEEDdledeedee Tuesday(who said it?Scarlett O'Hara or Lewis Carroll..or both? + Today's New Photo Blitz + Ep 3, The White Queen, Sat on Starz

From last December's NYC, The Hobbit premiere:
Hold unto your eyes for next one or the pattern might rattle them out of your head;)
Isn't this next design clever--appears bottom third can be zippered off to wear as a jacket..
We'll believe the following message when we see it..probably means Dec for The Hobbit: Desolation of Smaug..
We've watched ep 3 of the Starz series The White Queen about the War of Roses period of English history.  HBO's series Game of Thrones is based on that era as well.  Apparently the reality of the human condition comes as a shock to some viewers;) case in point...


  1. Afternoon, Ricrar! Hope you're having a great weekend. LOVE the Desolation of Smaug trailer. Looking forward to Dec 13th (I looked it up!).

    Love all of the N&S and Sir Guy retrospectives you've done recently. So many beautiful photos, so little time!

    Cannot BELIEVE some muzzy thinkers in Hollywood put Affleck in Batman role... What is that? I thought that was a car insurance company? He doesn't have anything like the depth and panache and light touch that RA has. Silly Hollywood. Maybe that's why their budgets are in trouble -- keep hiring the wrong guys to play SMOULDERING! SCORCHING HOT! Affleck is just not that. So sad.... I REALLY, REALLY, REALLY wanted to see our Richard in that little black suit......

    Cheers, Ricrar!

  2. Hello, Ricrar, and a jolly Sunday to you! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the new photo blitz. I especially love the blue sweater/jacket. Is it Norwegian? Inquiring minds want to know! And is there a little tab on the "See You Soon" grave stone he's holding (btw -- huh? context?) saying "Try Me"? That is really too sweet for words. Cheers, Ricrar! Happy week to come!

  3. We're both ready to take him up on the "try me" offer, are we not Cleo?;D

    Apparently the ski sweater photos were taken in 2012 in preparation for all The Hobbit movie #1 promos. We've not seen the dark blue coat before today. Latter is my fav look of the two - being an avid skier, Richard prob felt at home in that warm looking cardi. All the new photos are a welcome treat - now all we need is mention of his next project and we'll be RAppy campers;) indeed.

  4. Yes, Ricrar, that would work for me just fine! (Re: "Try Me" offer....) :) :)

    I hadn't seen many of the photos before you posted them the most recent post. Enjoying them greatly! BTW, I uploaded a bunch of old recordings of covers I've done, and added one of "Nobody Does It Better" just in honor of you and our elegant hero! Can see it here: There's also one of my old favorites (Dusty Springfield's "Son of a Preacher Man").... :) :) All in an evening's entertainment!

    Cheers, Ricrar. I am still in SHOCK AND HORROR about the Batman decision. Perhaps they will make RA 007, then my dreams will be fulfilled! :) :) :)

  5. I'm so happy you posted so many pics from The Hobbit New York premiere. His eyes, lighter blue because of the color of the suit. Brings back sweet memories. Wonder if we'll have more than one US premiere for the film, since the World Premiere will be in LA. I hope so.

  6. Thanks for the link Cleo. I'll take a look. Happy to know you enjoyed the photos above.

  7. Hi Musa/Fabo, Most of the NYC closeups were new to me - his expression seemed to constantly change.

    I know what a very special evening that was for you to meet our fav actor. Do you think you would go for Movie #2, if there is another one in NYC?

  8. I would go in a minute to see Movie#2 in NYC if there's another premiere there. I'm keeping my eyes open for any news in any case.
