May 5, 2011

Dwarves' Sighting--None 6'2":( + Fav RA Scenes Friday

Nice that other entertainment outlets have provided a couple distractions while our main imaginary squeeze :) has disappeared from our screens.  Discovering that Canadian, Peter Mooney, is not only a fine actor, but a charming man as well..

There's a blurb at saying Bilbo and a band of dwarves were seen at a nightspot in Wellington, NZ.  Unfortunately for us, it was The Hobbit stars mini-me doubles.

If the 7 gods of Westeros be good to us :) and smile upon our wish to see RA play Stannis Baratheon, the rightful King of Westeros, he'll look far better than the following...

           Great deal of information on GoT from August, 2010 on the sidebar under chocolate choices.  The 'older posts'(top of page) option is especially interesting.

Another enchanting musical theme..Camelot..someone else finding Kay to be quite OK


  1. I too was almost taken in by the Martin Freeman and dwarves at the bar...hoping for a photo of RA like you :(

    Thanks for the Stannis artwork. Yes, RA is perfect, even if he may need to go bald. Maybe if HBO moves part of the Game of Thrones filming from Malta to New Zealand?

  2. oooh, Musa...from your mind to Peter Jackson's ears. Yes, Dragonstone would look very much at home on one of the NZ islands.

    As for scheduling Stannis filming around The Hobbit, his part is not that large in GoT series2 - you said it grows larger in book3, series3. Hopefully by that time Hobbit would be a wrap and RA would be free to brood at Dragonstone. Now all we need is for Geo Martin/HBO to offer him the role and for Richard to accept;)
