May 11, 2010

New Robin Hood Movie Website

There's a wonderful program currently playing on the History Channel.  It focuses on a topic familiar to quite a few of us - Legend of Robin Hood.  Unfortunately, the show isn't easily located at that website.  Following, however, is the cleverly designed website for Russell Crowe's new can even hear the fire crackling in one of Nottingham castle's fireplaces.  Looked for a tall figure dressed in leather but he was nowhere to be found:(  Halls are empty - no strutting adonis in hoo :)  Listen to the fire...

I'd be far more excited about the film if Russell played another prominent role and our casting expertise finally gave the legendary hero, Robin, the stunning persona and rivetting voice he deserves...


  1. Well the first advance RH review I read was pretty negative. In addition, RH disappears for about an hour in the middle (maybe he was shooting Spooks?)so I am glad that RA wasn't involved. It would be great BBC would do a Gisbourne or a Nottingham series with our Guy as the new sheriff in town!

  2. Hey there judith,

    Crowe & Ridley Scott's version of RH incorporates historical nuances not usually associated w/the tale, e.g. the signing of the Magna Carta; and eliminates many details burnished in people's minds about it - not least of which is the Guy of Gisborne character. Perhaps they realized trying to compete w/Richard's interpretation of the role was an impossibility;)

  3. Obviously, they were determined NOT to allow the sabotage of Robin Hood this time? Which probably wouldn't be that difficult, were Mr. Armitage playing "Godfrey". (You can tell I'm not Mr. Crowe's biggest fan...)

    Ambivalent about seeing it. It does have Cate Blanchett, and Max von Sydow (albeit, he might be pushing 100), and a singing Newfie as Allan....

  4. Hi fitzg, if RA was considered for one of the roles, Crowe probably took one look at his photo and said 'you've gotta be expect me to stand beside HIM?

    I share your feeling about Russell Crowe. He's a fine actor but no longer romantic leading man material. The only time I've watched Kate is in 'Elizabeth:the golden Years' - really enjoyed her excellent performance. She's not exactly a beauteous Marian in this film. Caught her last evening in an interview, and found her to be much more attractive in person than as the newest Marian. She's currently blonde(not aware if it's natural) but it is much more complimentary to her face than brunette.

    The History Channel's current RH program is narrated by a medieval expert who explains the term yeoman, etc and describes cultural changes for each group at that time.

    He also explained that sleek, tall, muscular horses like Richie were considered a luxury, and reserved strictly for battle. A far different, shorter horse (with a 5th gait) was used for travel. It gave a smoother ride - provided more comfort.
    The new film's director & stars also provide many other fascinating details of the era.

  5. I'm going to see RH for 3 reasons...Matthew Macfadyen, Mark Strong, Alan Doyle!

    I know MM's sherriff is only on screen for about a total of 5 minutes but still worth the money to see him on the big screen!

    Now if we can get RA on the big screen too....

  6. Hurrah for Alan (a-Dale) Doyle!

    Funny comment about Richie - the sleek, tall, muscular horse - are you sure that you were talking about a luxury horse, RiCrAr? (A horse who ran away with an actor, on the way to a waterhole?).

  7. Caught the History (Canada) Channel Ridley Scott Robin Hood this evening. Thank you, RiCrAr, for the heads-up on it.

    Excellent. Will see the film this summer. Judge on its own merits - given the research into the RH legend AND mediaeval history, hope to see a really interesting blend of legend, interpretation, realistic historical setting and really good scripting and acting!

  8. happy you enjoyed the History Channel show - really well done, wasn't it. Didn't the medieval expert have quite a dramatic flare. Don't mean to insult the actual leads, but the new movie probably would've been a huge blockbuster with our fav actor as Robin, and the on-screen chemistry that percolated between him & his Marian - Lucy Griffiths.
