April 8, 2010

Guy of Gisborne's Dream Fulfilled by TeeTotallyNot's Lovely Artwork

As we await the fulfillment of a dream of seeing RA as John Porter, TeeTotallyNot's artistic graphic abilities help us briefly journey back to Sir Guy's dream...


  1. TeeTotallyNot, you've really made a lovely screencap here. Guy looks so calm, happy and fulfilled, whilst Marian is nestling up to him, knowing their long and strenous journey towards love is at an end, that Guy's love has conquered all and that he'll protect her from this day forth!
    The screencap and poem fit so well together, well done!

  2. Strange, the first comment doesn't show!

  3. That was strange, Enrich2...they're both visible for me--software gremlins?;)

    Your remarks lead me to wonder if Richard would've preferred TeeTotallyNot's romantic dreamscape for Guy & Marian? He remarked, during more than one interview, that a better alternative might've been their marriage followed by Robin's quest to win her back.

    Writers' couldn't completely ignore the legend although they did dismiss the principal female part of it with barely a blink of the eye - remember how quickly Robin buried Marian's ring and started his strange relationship w/Kate.

    One of the longest-living legendary heroines of all time gone for the convenience of writers RH3 plot. Hmmmmph!! Wonder if an all-male panel made that decision;)

  4. Very interesting to read here in your blog. YOu have great ideas! Go on that way!


  5. Sincere thanks for the kind words Mobile:) and gorgeous floral artwork.
    Are you planning to design the RA customized sheet sets? ;) Fans could order their fav character or an assortment of photos.
    Just a tongue-in-cheek suggestion--it's doubtful the final product would be cost effective enough for the majority of Richard Armitage fans. Although some of them are determined to collect everything possible with an RA theme.

  6. glad you like it :)
    much as I dig Guy as the tormened, unfulfilled anti-hero, part of my always wanted him to be loved. He so needs to :D .. and look how peaceful he's now :D
    the inspiration came from Etta James singing "At Last" (that's the poem/lyrics).. one of my all-time favourite songs.. listen to it and look at the pic and you think the world might be okay :D
    if you want to use it as wallpaper, here's the full size
    (should work, if not, bottom right of my blog is a link to the dA gallery.. find the pic and click download for big size :)
    I'll be staring at them for a bit longer :D
